DeepLearningForNLPInPytorch copied to clipboard
An IPython Notebook tutorial on deep learning for natural language processing, including structure prediction.
Hi Robert, I followed your Pytorch tutorials for NLP and I implemented 2 exercices that you proposed. The Cbow and the character level enriching of word embeddings of the POS... has 5 nice noteboks all in python3 The one in github is python2 and not in sync This may create difficulty for many as it did for me You...
The second patch replaces "train time" -> "training time" and "Torch provies" -> "Pytorch provides".
Hi, it is very nice for you to write such a great tutorial. I got this from the pytorch official tutorial and I think it can help a lot of...
I realise that some of the code are breaks pep8. Mind if I fix those? Blame my OCD. Reading the code makes me a little anxious.
Added a new .ipynb file that works with most updated version of torch and dependencies thereof. Readme has link to Google Colab document.
I have a question regarding your implementation of NGram (and, regardingly, CBOW which I have adapted). According to the code presented you're creating a two-layer perceptron, and the second linear...