vim-rails.config copied to clipboard
My vim configuration optimized to work with ruby and RoR
= Vim-rails.config A Vim configuration to develop with Ruby and RoR.
== Dependencies
- Vim with Ruby support
- Ack (ack-grep in ubuntu and debian based systems)
- cURL
- Exuberant ctags
== Installation
- After you downloaded the repository copy all the files in your home.
- Execute the script, it will create a .vimbundles directory and download every plugin inside.
- Then go to +.vimbundles/Command-T/ruby/command-t+ and execute the command +ruby extconf.rb+
- Finally check +vimrc.local+ to change customize and adapt this file to your environment.
Note for Windows users:
- .vimrc must be renamed to $HOME_vimrc
- .vim must be renamed to $HOME\vimfiles
== Plugins === Hashrocket default
- vim-slurper
- vim-bufonly
- tabular
- vim-json
- ack.vim
- vim-javascript
- nerdcommenter
- vim-pyte
- vim-abolish
- vim-cucumber
- vim-endwise
- vim-flatfoot
- vim-fugitive
- vim-git
- vim-haml
- vim-markdown
- vim-pathogen
- vim-rake
- vim-ragtag
- vim-rails
- vim-ruby
- vim-repeat
- vim-speeddating
- vim-surround
- vim-unimpaired
- vim-vividchalk
- vim-irblack
=== My choice
- Command-T
- gist-vim
- nerdtree
- taglist.vim
- vim-css-color
- vim-rdoc
- vcscommand.vim
- vimwiki
== Usages and Tips TODO
== Acknowledgements This setup is a customized version of hashrocket setup (thanks!)