Is there any support in GaussianMixtures for weighted rows in a data matrix? For example, if I have a dataset with many repeated observations, can I pass in a matrix...
Expose stan::math::hessian and stan::math::hessian_times_vector as methods in the stan::model class
#### Summary: The ```stan::model``` class does not currently expose the ```stan::math::hessian``` and ```stan::math::hessian_times_vector``` of the log probability, though in principle it could easily do so in a manner similar to...
Currently, we first render the galaxy at the location given by the variational parameters and then convolve with the pixelated PSF. For the same reason that we cannot get sub-pixel...
The ```fsm_util``` code uses ```lidx``` indices, even though it is used both by DeterministicVI and the LogProbability modules. This design relies on the ```ids``` parameterization and the ```lidx``` parameterization having...
**Please describe the dataset you want** Patient symptoms or other estimates of disease severity, disaggregated as finely as possible. **How is it relevant to Covid-19?** Epidemiological simulations that guide policy...
If python 2 is the system default, the script will fail with an ```OrderedDict``` error.
Right now, ```mcmcse``` throws a lot of errors about highly correlated samples even though I think nothing is wrong.
Make end-to-end tests out of some more complex examples for unit testing.