Rahul Patel
Rahul Patel
@jmhodges LogExporter is using [ExportMetrics](https://github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-go/blob/643eada29081047b355cfaa1ceb9bc307a10423c/metric/metricexport/export.go#L25) interface instead of [ExportView](https://github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-go/blob/643eada29081047b355cfaa1ceb9bc307a10423c/stats/view/export.go#L34). It creates [IntervalReader](https://github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-go/blob/643eada29081047b355cfaa1ceb9bc307a10423c/metric/metricexport/reader.go#L100) on calling Start(). IntervalReader periodically calls [ReadAndExport](https://github.com/census-instrumentation/opencensus-go/blob/643eada29081047b355cfaa1ceb9bc307a10423c/metric/metricexport/reader.go#L177). While it is not a bug, documentation does require an update.
if log data is used to rebuild traces then why not sample the trace?
> @rghetia Because whether a trace will be sampled is determined at the time when the trace/span is created, but that's not where logging happens. When later the program decides...
This will be addressed in upcoming OC - OT merging. keeping the issue open untill we haver merged api available.
> If you're open to this, I'd be happy to contribute it (will try and tackle it next week) sure.
> I'd like to suggest this supporting > > 1. Automatic injection of X-B3 headers > 2. Automatic injection of a set of headers w/ values (For example, if we...
@dhaval24 , as you said earlier let's start a separate issue for this and focus on http instrumentation here.
@dhaval24 providing instrumentation for client library is one approach. Using same example of redis, we have jedis instrumentation today to collect metrics and traces for redis operation. But I don't...
@lmolkova I have used it with jetty. I am not familiar with okhttp but let me look into it.
I looked at okhttp and agree with your assessment. Another problem with creating span during request builder is that the actual request may be executed later and there by creating...