Forget merge request #309. Fix is also included in merge request #345 with much more other issues and enhancements.
Fixed in firmware 3.11
Changes in the printer code to fix this issue : - Interpreter procedure is now a Task created with the lowest priority (tskIDLE_PRIORITY) - This task is normally suspended waiting...
Solution seems to work fine on master branch (3.10e) on Ultimate-II+. But when back porting it to 3.10a and testing it on Ultimate-II it does not work. Worse, the software...
Work in progress : - Printer is now a task, not only the MPS interpreter but the whole IEC printer (including RAW and ASCII printing). Task communication channel are messages...
Work is almost finished but when I was testing all the printer features I realized that color printer is broken under U2 (works fine under U2+ and probably U64). This...
New fixes : - Modal window while printing can't be opened from the printer task. If the user is running the action menu from the network using telnet, the network...
Last cosmetic fix : - Problem: Activity LED was not ON while generating the PNG data on U2+. On U2 led is ON during PNG generation. Printer is using ITU_USB_BUSY...
Merge request #345 includes the fix for this issue and much more
This is currently under test in the [printer_enh branch.]( . It is 3.11alpha but this branch is also adding support for other features on IEC support (like JiffyDOS for software...