Roman Gaufman

Results 72 comments of Roman Gaufman

Any ideas please? - still happening now. Is Semantic Logger not supported on Rails 7.1?

Turns out my issue was entirely unrelated to semantic_logger and in fact it was me setting the good_job logger to Rails.logger. Removing that fixed the problem. Apologies for the false...

+1 Not getting much data, only Oplog lag and getting the same error. Going to try the fork thank you! (

Yes, it seem this gem is deprecated and should not be used anymore. Unfortunately so many other gems depend on this gem, e.g. font-awesome-sass, font-awesome-rails, bootstrap, etc.

Does anyone have a fork that works on modern-ish versions?

I found this which looks promising:

Have a look at them? - they seem unique, md5 sums also check out.

I have the same issue, anyone have a solution or a workaround?

Any update on this? - is there an alternative gem that doesn't use the deprecated sassc?

I have this config for good_job, the rest is the default. The only change from not working to working is updating to Rails 7.1: ``` config.good_job = { preserve_job_records: true,...