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Super simple SQL query builder


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goql is a super fast and easy to use query builder and database table to struct modeling convention. It is like an ORM but it just gets out of your way and let's you keep control of your queries.

For the following examples, let's assume you have the following table user:

id username password
1 ricardo secret123
2 admin ultrasecret

Mapping a table to a struct

type User struct {
	ID       int64  `db:"id" pk:"true"`
	Username string `db:"username"`
	Password string `db:"password"`

Select queries

query := goql.QueryBuilder{}
query.Select("id, username, password").From("user").Where("id = $?", 1).QueryAndScan(db, &user)
fmt.Println(user.username) // -> "ricardo"

Or even better...

myuser := User{}
query := goql.QueryBuilder{}
query.Select(myser).Where("id = $?", 1).QueryAndScan(db, &user)
fmt.Println(user.username) // -> "ricardo"

Insert or update

newUser := User{ID: 3, Name: "John", Password: "123"}
Insert(db, "user", newUser)

newUser.Name = "Bob"
Update(db, "user", newUser)

Note db in both cases must be either of type *sql.DB or *sql.Tx