Rafael Mamede
Rafael Mamede
Greetings @KasiaTluscik, Thank you for your interest in chewBBACA. Can you tell us what version of chewBBACA you are using and what was the command? Also, you refer that you...
@KasiaTluscik, we know that in some cases this type of error was solved by redownloading the genome assemblies or by running a script, such as [sequence_cleaner.py](https://biopython.org/wiki/Sequence_Cleaner) from BioPython, to filter...
Hello @KasiaTluscik, Thank you for sharing the dataset with us. We used the files to reproduce the error and found what is causing the issue. The dataset includes multiple versions...
Hello @KasiaTluscik, It is great to know that we could solve this problem. If I recall correctly, your dataset includes several species for the _Shewanella_ genus. The schemas that have...
Hello @ocarabali, The error you report seems to be related with the Bio.Alphabet module that was removed in Biopython 1.78. We updated chewBBACA's code based on the recommendations from the...
Hello @jkibilds, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We've updated the Wiki so that the usage information provided for the ExtractCgMLST module matches the usage message provided by...
Good night, I don't know if this issue has been resolved and I know it has been some time since the original comments. But I've had similar errors and think...
@bala-ruokavirasto and @tanzhizhou, I've created a [release](https://github.com/B-UMMI/chewBBACA/releases/tag/v3.0.0) for chewBBACA 3.0. You can install v3.0.0 with [pip](https://pypi.org/project/chewBBACA/#description) and it'll be available through conda soon. Let us know if you try to...
Happy holidays @tanzhizhou.
Greetings! The link to the UniProt FTP has changed, and the UniprotFinder module was failing to retrieve the reference proteomes when the `--taxa` parameter was provided. We have just released...