Rémi Flamary
Rémi Flamary
In order to stay compatible with `skleran`API we want all estimatoer (and Adapters) to have functions that accept unnamed `sample_weight`by defalult. For the moment we have for Adapter and DAEstimator:...
## Describe the bug in `ot.gaussian` the empirical means and computed with nx.mean it shoudl use weights ### To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. ... 2. #### Screenshots...
Currently the panda frame result table is a bit hard to parse due to parse. It would be nice to have an helper class that works as follows: ```python res...
Subspace methods can have cubic complexity with the number of samples and we believe that subsampling can be an efficient way to learn an approximate subspace
Update link to contributing file ## Types of changes ## Motivation and context / Related issue ## How has this been tested (if it applies) ## PR checklist - [...
## Types of changes This very large PR introduce a new style for the coe thta follow ruff formating with a fats pre-commit that will hopfully avoid "pep8" cmmts in...
Main idea of this PR - [x] CVSolver that perform GridSearchCV on the parameters set in `parameter_grid` - [x] NestedCVObjective that performs nested CV and return mean/variance and list of...
On some HPC there is a limit number of job that one can launch on slurm. it would be nice to have a config parameter for this in slurm yml...