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Fully automated ISS SSTV, NOAA and Meteor satellite image downloader using Raspberry PI

Results 28 raspberry-noaa issues
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@reynico ...Having trouble decoding meteor passes. for several days I have been getting a few different errors.. the most frequent one is **"INFO : The system doesn't have enough space...

I am running this code on an existing raspberry pi setup but have recently decided that instead of receiving both noaa AND meteor on the same machine, I would like...

Hi - I recently installed this awesome software and it is pulling maps at the correct times based on my location. Unfortunately I am not seeing any weather data showing...

**Please Describe the problem to be solved** (Replace This Text: Please present a concise description of the problem to be addressed by this feature request. Please be clear what parts...

**Describe the bug** The default installation script presumes the user 'pi' is universal and uses it in some, not all, path references. For users, like me, that always disable the...

**Describe the bug** All Meteor images are blank except for the information header. **Screenshots and/or logs** ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/18244284/112223395-76b5c280-8bef-11eb-87e2-613e83407a36.jpeg) **Server information (please complete the following information):** - OS: Raspbian Buster - Python...

Can include this as feature, Cronjob Meteor spectrum output to i2c/spi 128x64 SSD1306 OLED? Can cronjob oled python script at same time as meteor pass? 1) example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnvhEgjrHsw code: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B_jncvz2HAYCfnhENzcxekxiTURWaGdxQzlaOV9qRE1IdTlWazNFSWJLYUFVZmt1THZQRmc...

Hi, it appears that the Meteor M2 has just turned off IR channel so only visible images during the day will be available. I propose the feature of turning on...

**Describe the bug** SOX MP3 library is missing in install script or WORKING.md to highlight that libsox-fmt-mp3 shall be installed in the raspberry pi and ncat and libsox-fmt-mp3 in the...