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Migration of the Varian developer codeplex resources

Varian Developer

Migration of the Varian developer codeplex resources

Project Description

This open source community project supports Varian collaborators and customers in their work with Varian Medical Systems public APIs.

Target Audience

  • Varian Medical Systems customers who have API licenses (Eclipse Scripting, Eclipse Algorithm, DICOM DB Daemon), or a TrueBeam Developer Mode license.
  • Collaborators who have a research agreement with Varian.


This project is designed to :

  • Help get those people interested in coding against Varian APIs started.
  • Promote and enable moderated community-based support for API developers.
  • Allow our collaborators and community developers to share their work with others.
  • Allow Varian and community developers to share tips and tricks

What's New?

  • [09/08/2016] Updated Export3D. Now it includes separate Bolus export with vertex normals, for 3D printing. Thank you Nathan Smela!

  • [07/21/2016] See Advanced ESAPI #2 on Youtube

  • [03/17/2016] Save the date for Varian Developer Workshop 2016! July 29th & 30th, Washington, D.C.

  • [10/20/2015] See EvilDICOM in ESAPI on Youtube for DICOM file exporting.

  • [10/07/2015] See Advanced ESAPI #1 on Youtube and source code on

  • [06/10/2015] Eclipse Scripting REPL UAB VMS Console Video and Source Code Posted

  • [04/10/2015] Corrected version of [RBEReport]( Scripting API/projects/RBEReport/). See the version comment.

  • [04/01/2015] Added code from Varian Research Symposium 2015 - [TCP / NTCP Calculator Script]( Symposium 2015/Eclipse Scripting API/Plugins/EUDScript.cs) and [Automated Planning Demo]( Symposium 2015/Eclipse Scripting API/Projects/AutomatedPlanningDemo/AutomatedPlanningDemo.cs).

  • [03/03/2015] New project [ExportBatchDVHs]( Scripting API/projects/ExportBatchDVHs/ExportBatchDVHs.cs) demonstrates exporting DVHs in batch mode.

  • [09/22/2014] New project [StructureIdFrequency]( Scripting API/projects/StructureIdFrequency/StructureIdFrequency.cs "StructureIdFrequency") for finding usage frequency of structure ids at your site.

  • [09/04/2014] New project [RBEReport]( Scripting API/projects/RBEReport/), new article Radiobiological Effect report and Aria Document post

  • [07/25/2014] The [guru track code projects]( Workshop 2.0/guru track projects/ "Guru Track Code Projects") from Developer Workshop 2.0 are available.

  • [07/20/2014] The [code for the hands-on exercises]( Workshop 2.0/hands-on exercises/ "Hands-on Code") @ Developer Workshop 2.0 are available.

  • [07/01/2014] A video tutorial on getting started with ESAPI in Windows Forms was posted on Youtube.

  • [06/30/2014] See Eclipse Scripting Tips and Tricks, added new tip for accessing application context from everywhere in your app.

  • [04/16/2014] See Eclipse Scripting Tips and Tricks, added a new tip for accessing dose voxel data for a structure.

  • [02/28/2014] New project PlanQualityMetrics generates an HTML plan quality report for the selected plan or plansum using QUANTEC style metrics.

  • [02/14/2014] New project GetDicomCollection, new article Scripting the DICOM Daemon.

  • [01/21/2014] See Source Control page; added new GenerateWebDVH project.