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AntiDebugging sample sources written in C++

Anti Debugging

Anti debugging techniques written in C++.

  • Anti Attach, Anti Anti Attach : AntiAttach.cpp, AntiAntiAttaching.cpp
  • Text Section Hashing : TextSectionHasher.cpp
  • VEH Checker, DR Register Resetter : VEH_Checker.cpp, DR_Register_Resetter.cpp

Anti Attach, Anti Anti Attach

Debugger attach process with DebugActiveProcess api.


BOOL dbgContinue = True;

while (dbgContinue) {
    if (FALSE == WaitForDebugEvent(&dbgEvent, 100)) {


It creates a thread in debuggee, then it calls DbgUiRemoteBreakin() to debug process.

__declspec(naked) void AntiAttach() {
    __asm {
		jmp ExitProcess

HANDLE hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();

HMODULE hMod = GetModuleHandleW(L"ntdll.dll");
FARPROC func_DbgUiRemoteBreakin = GetProcAddress(hMod, "DbgUiRemoteBreakin");

WriteProcessMemory(hProcess, func_DbgUiRemoteBreakin, AntiAttach, 6, NULL);

Anti-Attacher hooks DbgUiRemoteBreakin and redirects it to ExitProcess. AntiAnti-Attacher releases the hooked function.

Text Section Hashing

Debugger sets a software breakpoint by overwriting the int 3 instruction.

It hashes text section and periodically checks that the text section has been changed.

while (1) {

	DWORD64 dwCurrentHash = HashSection(lpVirtualAddress, dwSizeOfRawData);
	if (dwRealHash != dwCurrentHash) {
		MessageBoxW(NULL, L"DebugAttached", L"WARN", MB_OK);

	if (bTerminateThread) {

VEH Checker, DR Register Resetter

VEH Debugger use Vectored Exception Handler.

It checks the fourth bit(ProcessUsingVEH) of the PEB's CrossProcessFlags(+0x50). If ProcessUsingVEH bit is set, then VEH is being used.

NtQueryInformationProcess(hProcess, ProcessBasicInformation, &pbi, sizeof(pbi), &ReturnLength);
PPEB pPEB = (PPEB)pbi.PebBaseAddress;

SIZE_T Written;
DWORD64 CrossProcessFlags = -1;
ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, (PBYTE)pPEB + 0x50, (LPVOID)&CrossProcessFlags, sizeof(DWORD64), &Written);

printf("[*] CrossProcessFlags : %p\n", CrossProcessFlags);
if (CrossProcessFlags & 0x4) {
	printf("[*] veh set\n");
else {
	printf("[*] veh unset\n");

VEH Debugger usually uses Hardware breakpoint. Verify hardware bp is set

HANDLE hThread = OpenThread(THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, tid);

memset(&ctx, 0, sizeof(CONTEXT));

ctx.Dr0 = 0;
ctx.Dr1 = 0;
ctx.Dr2 = 0;
ctx.Dr3 = 0;
ctx.Dr7 &= (0xffffffffffffffff ^ (0x1 | 0x4 | 0x10 | 0x40));

SetThreadContext(hThread, &ctx);