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Volatility plugin to validate Authenticode-signed processes, either with embedded signature or catalog-signed
Sigcheck - Volatility Plugin
for Volatility 2.6 aims to verify digital signatures of executable files (namely, .exe, .dll, and .sys files) in memory dumps. It is named after the Microsoft's tool that verifies digital signatures on binary files.
Microsoft Authenticode is the code-signing standard used by Windows to digitally sign files that adopt the Windows portable executable (PE) format (you can find more details in documentation). These executables are signed either with embedded signature or catalog-signed; in order to verfiy the last, you must provide all catalog files (.cat) corresponding to your Windows version, located in system32/catroot
(you can download catalog files extracted from Win7SP1x86, Win7SP1x64).
As a side product, we have also developed an independent Python module to verify signatures of PE files:
import pefile
import sigvalidator
sigv = sigvalidator.SigValidator()
for path in ['Firefox Setup 77.0.exe', 'procexp.exe', 'invoice.exe.mlwr', 'CFF Explorer.exe']:
pe = pefile.PE(path, fast_load=True)
result = sigv.verify_pe(pe)
print '{0}: {1}'.format(path, result)
Firefox Setup 77.0.exe: Verification successful
procexp.exe: Certificate has expired
invoice.exe.mlwr: Self signed certificate in certificate chain
CFF Explorer.exe: Not signed file
You can install all dependencies with
- System:
- Python 2.7:
Module SigCheck
Aims to validate Authenticode-signed processes, either with embedded signature or catalog-signed
--catalog [dir]: directory containing catalog files (.cat), default to '$PWD/catroot/$VOL_PROFILE'
--dll: verify library modules (.dll)
--sys: verify driver modules (.sys)
You need to provide this project path as first parameter to Volatility:
$ --plugins /path/to/sigcheck --profile WinProfile --catalog /path/to/catroot -f /path/to/memory.dump sigcheck --sys
Volatility Foundation Volatility Framework 2.6.1
INFO : volatility.debug : sigcheck : Retrieving all file objects, this may take a while...
Module Pid Result
------------------------- ------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ACPI.sys 0 Partial file content. Unable to compare file hash and signature hash. Signatue verification: Unable to get local issuer certificate
usbuhci.sys 0 Verification successful (catalog-signed)
monitor.sys 0 Verification successful (catalog-signed)
ndistapi.sys 0 Verification successful (catalog-signed)
spldr.sys 0 Unable to read FileObject
volsnap.sys 0 Unable to read FileObject
ntoskrnl.exe 0 Unable to read FileObject
peauth.sys 0 Verification successful (catalog-signed)
srvnet.sys 0 Verification successful (catalog-signed)
srv.sys 0 Partial file content. Not signed file
vmhgfs.sys 0 Unable to rebuilt PE file
asyncmac.sys 0 Verification successful (catalog-signed)
luafv.sys 0 Verification successful (catalog-signed)
lltdio.sys 0 Verification successful (catalog-signed)
rspndr.sys 0 Verification successful (catalog-signed)
[... redacted ...]
Licensed under the GNU GPLv3 license.