
Results 69 comments of reverofevil

> The inheritance described here is purely structural inheritance for the sake of avoiding repetition. It would be quite unfortunate if people had to find this issue to figure it...

Personally I think that it should be solved in a Common.js way: we should use only the things that are `require`d. A good example would be a module called `es5-shim/array`...

@lukeed Conditional keyword are fine. We already have some, like `async`. ```ts const async = 1; // OK ```

@Artoria2e5 I asked TS guys about that (I think, even before you asked). I was told TS and RiSE teams never communicated, and it's for some reason hard for them...

Typing effects in TS isn't going to be hard due to implementation, but it won't be easy either [for other reason]( . Functions get annotated with yet another place for...

Some strange code that may be related in `ScalaPropertiesCollector` ``` def findNameForSerialization(prop: PropertyDescriptor): Option[PropertyName] = { ... val paramName = annotatedParam.optMap(ai.findNameForDeserialization(_)) val fieldName = annotatedField.optMap(ai.findNameForSerialization(_)) ... } ```

@christophercurrie I better provide a complete example. ``` scala import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonInclude import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.DefaultScalaModule import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.scala.experimental.ScalaObjectMapper import scala.beans.BeanProperty case class Test(@BeanProperty pId: Long) val mapper = { val objectMapper...

Вот это поворот.

@keeyip Have you made any progress on this? I have though on this too. But the problem is that highlighting big files requires parsing the whole file in case you're...