@turion Oh, excellent! Yes, please do :) I am also very interested in this, and would love to help.
@idontgetoutmuch To clarify, I believe this is FRP not for symplectic integration or anything to do with HMC, but for real-time inference, along the lines of . But yes,...
Hi @dschrempf, great to hear from you! What you're saying makes a lot of sense, and I agree. To my knowledge, Gen is the probabilistic programming language with the most...
Thanks for writing this up! Extremely useful for me :)
It's your notes, yes. I haven't started reading yet, and will hold off / be careful, but what I meant is that I've been wanting to learn about this new...
Here's the problem I'm having with using MMorph: In `Population.hs`, `hoist` has type ```haskell hoist :: Monad n => (forall x. m x -> n x) -> Population m a...
That all sounds sensible. We'd just have to make sure that the new semantics of `hoist` is right, since it is critical for the inference algorithms (see for instance its...
Agreed. The caveat (as discussed) being that resampling is decidedly not parallel, so the advantage depends on the rate of the resampling being reasonably low. That said, I think parallelization...
After some research, here are resources I'm finding useful: (1) Automatic Differentiation Variational Inference: (2) Black Box Variational Inference: These would appear to be two of the main...
Got a bit of a scary bug: ```haskell instance MonadSample m => MonadSample (Id m) where type Real (Id m) = Real m random = lift random deriving via Id...