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Abandoned project?
No replies and no commits since November 27, 2015... abandoned project? Will be superseded/replaced by webvirtcloud?
As stated at https://github.com/retspen/webvirtcloud/issues/14 nearly a year ago:
WebVirtCloud will replace WebVirtMgr but not now and not soon
it is now and soon ? or nearly soon ? or you still maintain this fabulous project :)
(I can't speak for retspen, I just found this project about 2 weeks ago, and have never interacted with him/her.)
For me, setting up KVM, libvirt, & Ceph RBD storage is easy and those components of the stack seem rock solid. If it wasn't for the lack of a good, cross platform GUI to manage KVM & Ceph (and I had efficient incremental backups with changed/dirty block tracking figured out), I would be replacing some aging VMware and NAS hardware where I work in a heartbeat. So I am very interested in this project, and I have used Django before (my Software Engineering Junior Project was a Django project), so I am excited that there's a chance that I could actually understand and improve the project's code.
I have taken a look at webvirtmgrcloud, and it does seem to add some stuff, but it appeared that there was a lower level of functionality than webvirtmgr for now. (And I don't really need any of the cloud stuff yet.)
I've already started to try to improve some things in my own branch(es), though they need a bit more polish before I'm willing to propose them for merging. (And I'm not even sure if retspen is currently merging in pull requests or not -- but that doesn't keep me from having my own branch.) Towards the end of this month, I'll be going back to school for 9 months, so I'll likely have little time to submit improvements.