schema copied to clipboard
Does render work and is there a workable theme ?
Could someone describe how to render a full resume to html? Currently i only get my name in the html output.
We don't have a full theme working yet. There is a WIP theme PR that stalled due to a contributor leaving. Either someone takes it on or we have to wait for someone on our team to cut out some time.
Hi @stp-ip, is there documentation or a reference on what the theme needs to implement? I could do a check on that PR to see if it is working and how far that theme is implemented.
The WIP PR was this one:
The theme idea was to use Hugo as a static site generator. Instead of reinventing the wheel. The migrated theme is based on:
Happy to jump in with any questions during the week as well as try to give a few more starting points. Maybe @ArmanMazdaee has some time to do a hand-off of that PR.
Hi @jurgen-kluft
resumic is trying to use Hugo in its core for rendering resumes. So if you want to develop a theme for resumic you only need to develop a Hugo theme that contains layouts/resumic/single.html
for rendering the resume. The layout could get resume data with something like:
{{- $resume := index $.Site.Data.resumic .File.BaseFileName -}}
Then it can use it to render the resume. Currently, resumic will only copy the generated HTML to the output. So assets or styles which are used by the generated HTML will not include in the output. So probably it is a better idea to use Hugo to develop a new theme right now. If I can help with any please let me know.
Working on a Syna based fragment as a first visual representation. Currently updating the schema, while doing the representation. Hope to share more in the coming week.