rest-assured copied to clipboard
current basePath settings is not used in .post() request
Hi, I am using rest-assured with quarkus.
my code is
` logger.debug("before POST item with id, using path {}", RestAssured.baseURI + RestAssured.basePath);
.pathParam("id", random)
logger shows correctly set baseURI and base Path:
(main) before POST item with id, using path http://localhost:8081/images/address
actually at the test class I use these settings:
` @BeforeEach public void setURL() { baseURI = "http://localhost:8081"; RestAssured.basePath = "/images/address"; RestAssured.requestSpecification = given() .header("Content-Type", "application/json"); RestAssured.filters(new RequestLoggingFilter(), new ResponseLoggingFilter()); }
to set the class-wide values for both baseURI and basePath.
so the expected behavior of method .post("/{id}") is to use use endpoint address prefixed with baseURI + baseBath, i.e. "http://localhost:8081/images/address/some_number" in my case.
In reality the different basePath is used (actually http://localhost:8081/addresses/id , which is used in different test class)
my fix is to use explicit path setting before .post() call like this:
given() .contentType("application/octet-stream") .body(image) .pathParam("id", random) .when() .basePath(basePath) .post("/{id}") .then() .assertThat().spec(prepareResponseSpec(Response.Status.NOT_FOUND.getStatusCode())).log().all();
So it looks, that it is a bug or if not then please tell me what I am doing wrong...