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Adapt version in beforeReleaseBuild
Hey guys,
first of all thanks for the great plugin, so far I solved a lot of scenarios using it! :)
Right now I'm trying to derive the new project version depending on our release notes. What I want to achieve is the following:
- If a breaking release note snippet exists, inc project version by major bump before release
- If a feature release note snippet exists, inc project version by minor bump before release
So what I did was quite simple:
- added a new task updateProjectVersion implementing the logic described above. Setting the new project version means two things though:
- update new version in
- set project.version = newVersion
- set beforeReleaseBuild.dependsOn(updateProjectVersion)
- of course you need to set failOnCommitNeeded = false due to changes to by updateProjectVersion
What I see is that the tast is executed correctly and file is also correct and committed correctly. But lets look at an example with current version 0.1.1-SNAPSHOT and creating a feature release.
- pre tag commit is [Gradle Release Plugin] - pre tag commit: '0.1.1' and contains changes in to version=0.2.0
- new version commit is [Gradle Release Plugin] - new version commit: '0.1.2-SNAPSHOT' and contains changes in to version=0.1.2-SNAPSHOT
So I assume that the release plugin does not get the updated gradle project version. Any ideas/hints/help on this? I did not quite find the code pointer in the release plugin for a possible fix. I would have assumed that setting the project.version value before the release task will be reflected during the release task.
for the sake of completeness I'll also provide the sources of my task. It is included in a custom plugin, so not all private methods may be available, but hopefully all you need in this case.
private fun Project.registerUpdateProjectVersion() {
tasks.register(updateProjectVersion) { = releasenotesGroupName
it.doLast {
val extensions = listOf(, extension.en)
val updateNotices = extensions.flatMap { extension ->
extension.collectSnippets(project.projectDir, ReleasenoteSnippetType.UPDATENOTICE)
if (updateNotices.isNotEmpty()) {"detected update notice release notes snippets, configuring major version bump")
val features = extensions.flatMap { extension ->
extension.collectSnippets(project.projectDir, ReleasenoteSnippetType.FEATURE)
if (features.isNotEmpty()) {"detected feature release notes snippets, configuring minor version bump")
// we do not need to do anything for bugfixes / patch level changes
// (we also did never commit changes to in these cases)"all existing release note snippets (if any) lead to patch level bump only")
}.let { updateProjectVersionTask ->
afterEvaluate {
tasks.findByPath(beforeReleaseBuildTaskName)?.let { beforeReleaseBuildTask ->"Task '${beforeReleaseBuildTask.path}' found, will depend on ${}")
private fun Project.versionAsSemver() = Semver(project.version.toString())
private fun Project.updateVersion(newVersion: Semver) {
project.version = newVersion
val properties = Properties()
properties.setProperty("version", newVersion.toString()), null);
private fun Project.propertiesFile() = rootDir.resolve("")