As a bigger challenge, implement a full undergraduate program -
- [ ] hierarchical clustering to reduce visual density. (Relies on hierarchical structure in the data.) - [ ] applying filters to see only what's relevant (rather than everything). Use...
Candidate journals Journal of Mathematical Physics SoftwareX Journal of Open Source Software Journal of open research software
a criterion for publication may be that software should have been used in the production of research results
Similar issue of string sanitization as
Suppose a user is looking for a variable. What could they provide as input? - constant versus variable - [field]( (real values, integer values, complex values) or [vector space]( -...
Suppose a user is looking for an expression. What could they provide as input? - equality versus inequality - dimensions (length, width, time) and power per dimension - units (m,...
Suppose a user is looking for an operator. What could they provide as input? - latex for operator - regex for operator - notation (vector, matrix, quantum operator, Dirac notation)...
This graph might give insight on where to expect connectivity across domains based on commonality of variables? For example, if variable `a` shows up in fluid mechanics and in thermodynamics,...
status as of 2022-02-18: ``` ~/proofofconcept/v7_pickle_web_interface/flask/logs$ ls -Shal total 824M -rw-r--r-- 1 pdg pdg 343M Feb 18 17:54 gunicorn_error.log -rw-r--r-- 1 pdg pdg 203M Feb 18 17:54 gunicorn_access.log -rw-r--r-- 1...