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Technical issues around GitHub-based content management (placeholder)
From @joncison on December 18, 2018 13:42
Use this thread to list (refer to) specific actions, and for general technical discussion, around the mooted GitHub-based content management architecture (see and
Copied from original issue: bio-tools/biotoolsRegistry#399
List of issues
Use this comment to list (refer to) issues only. Misc. concerns & solutions discussed mostly with @bgruening, @hmenager and @hansioan thus far:
- entry ownership / editing rights (preservation of) [#3]
- managing the curation maintenance burden (pull requests) [#4]
- preserving full-strength validation & error reporting [#5]
- UI for entry creation, editing and registration with seamless GitHub integration [#6]
- data serialisation and transformation [#7]
- database update & refactoring mechanism [#8]
- Information mapping, gap analysis & schema revision [#9]
- curation work to assure all entries give "canonical" tool descriptions [#10)
- data integration: ensuring coverage in [#11]
- data integration: augmenting [#12]
hey @ypriverol - here's the (pinned) issue that is simply a list of threads (maintained in comment of 25 Jan) around the integration of tools metadata - currently just from my/ perspective. I agree the consideration of I/O/parameters is important, please feel free to add that (or anything else)