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A metadata commons to store research software metadata
Research Software Ecosystem (RSEc) contents repository
This repository contains the metadata aggregated for the Research Software Ecosystem (RSEc). The purpose of this repository is to act as a central place for the exchange of these metadata for multiple projects, including, Biocontainers, Bioconda, OpenEBench, Debian Med,, etc.
Contents outline
All software metadata are in the data folder of this repository, each software package/tool being in a distinct folder, which contains multiple files. Each of these files contains the metadata regarding the software coming from a specific resource, or reformatted in a specific format.
# Example for the contents of the 'fastqc' folder:
fastqc.biotools.json # metadata for the fastqc entry (pulled by RSEc bot)
bioconda_fastqc.yaml # metadata for the bioconda fastqc package (pulled by RSEc bot)
biocontainers.yaml # metadata for the fastqc biocontainers image (pushed by biocontainers bot)
fastqc.oeb.metrics.json # metadata for the OpenEBench fastqc package metrics (pulled by RSEc bot)
fastqc.debian.yaml # metadata for the Debian Med fastqc package (pulled by RSEc bot)
fastqc.bioschemas.jsonld # metadata for the fastqc package, converted from metadata (pulled by RSEc bot)