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A simple hook for sane promise handling in ReasonReact

All Contributors

InstallationUsageHow does it work


let make = () => {
  let (AsyncHook.{state: createUserState}, createUser) = AsyncHook.use((~cb, ~name, ~age) => cb(() => {
    // It accepts anything that returns a Promise.t(result('a, 'e))
    fetch("/user", ~params={

  let onSubmit= () => {
    createUser(, ~age=form.values.age)
    // Handle the result after the call
    |> Promise.tapError(error => {
    |> Promise.getOk(result => {

  // or use the declarative mode
      switch(createUserState) {
        | Idle => <button onClick={_ => onSubmit()}>"Create user"->React.string</button>
        | Loading => <p>{"Loading..."->React.string}</p>
        | Error(error) => 
            "User created with id #"->React.string
        | Data(data) =>
            "User created with id #"->React.string


yarn add reason-async-hook reason-promise


  "bs-dependencies": [

Promises are better with reason-promise!

How does it work

We just leverage ReasonML currying and awesome type inference. reason-promise runs on top of JavaScript promises but it adds more functionality to them, and the one we want is the result type one, allowing for fine-grained control over the call and railway programming.

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Gabriel Rubens

💻 🤔 📖

Marcos Oliveira

📖 🎨

Guilherme de Andrade


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!