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Implement new syntax for importing values from JavaScript modules
New syntax for importing values from JavaScript
Writing bindings to JavaScript has always been perceived as a rather daunting task. Most developers are not used to writing externals. If you look at TypeScript there's either something available on npm or you Any
your way through the world. In ReScript it takes some practise to bring a library from npm at your fingertips. You have to learn to write an external and navigate through a sea of attributes. The team created the ReScript syntax with a very specific vision in mind. We want a familiar, yet expressive language. Struggling with JS bindings is not a part of this. Is there a way to make the life of our developers easier when it comes to importing values from JavaScript?
Basic example
// import values from a JavaScript module
import { delimiter: string } from "path"
Detailed design
Bindings to JavaScript values are currently done through a syntax based on the external
keyword. Since it is a syntax for bringing in or importing JavaScript values, we move towards the import
keyword. import
is a known keyword in many languages: JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Go, Swift, Haskell. The syntax for js imports will be available in both structures and signatures.
To increase familiarity for our developers, we can map the entire JavaScript import declaration syntax onto ReScript. This will greatly reduce friction for developers with a JS background. The one big difference is that ReScript import declarations require type annotations.
import { delimiter: string } from "path" // import named export from JS
import school: string from "school" // import default export JS
import * as leftPad: (string, int) => string from "leftPad" // namespaced import, import entire module's content
Import a single export from a module
import { dirname: string => string } from "path"
// old external
external dirname: string => string = "dirname"
Import multiple exports from a module
import {
delimiter: string,
dirname: string => string,
relative: (~from: string, ~to_: string) => string
} from "path"
// old external
external delimiter: string = "delimiter"
external dirname: (string, string) => string = "dirname"
external relative: (~from: string, ~to_: string) => string = "relative"
Import an export with a more convenient alias
import {renameSync as rename: (string, string) => string} from "fs"
// old external
external rename: (string, string) => string = "renameSync"
import an export with an illegal ReScript identifier
import {"Fragment" as make: component<{"children": element}>} from "react"
// old external
external make: component<{"children": element}> = "Fragment"
import an export with additional attributes
import {
join: array<string> => string
} from "path"
// old external
@module("path") @splice
external join: array<string> => string = "join"
Rename multiple exports during import
import {
renameSync as rename: (string, string) => string,
unlinkSync as unlink: string => unit,
} from "fs"
// old external
external rename: (string, string) => string = "renameSync"
external unlink: string => unit = "unlinkSync"
import an entire module's contents (aka NameSpacedImport)
import * as leftPad: (string, int) => string from "leftPad"
// old external
external leftPad: (string, int) => string = "leftPad"
Importing default export
import schoolName: string from "/modules/school.js";
// syntactic sugar for
import {default as schoolName: string} from "/modules/school.js";
// old external
@module("/modules/school.js") external schoolName: string = "default"
Importing default export with illegal ReScript identifier
import "SchoolName": string from "/modules/school.js";
// syntactic sugar for
import {default as "SchoolName": string} from "/modules/school.js";
// old external
@module("/modules/school.js") external schoolName: string = "default"
importing default export with named imports
import schoolName: string, {getGrade: student => int} from "/modules/school.js";
// old external
@module("/modules/school.js") external schoolName: string = "default"
@module("/modules/school.js") external getGrade: student => int = "getGrade"
importing default export with multiple named imports
schoolName: string,
getGrade: student => int,
getTeachers: unit => array<teacher>
from "/modules/school.js";
// old external
@module("/modules/school.js") external schoolName: string = "default"
@module("/modules/school.js") external getGrade: student => int = "getGrade"
@module("/modules/school.js") external getTeachers: unit => array<teacher> = "getTeachers"
importing default export with namespacedimport
import schoolName: string, * as school from "/modules/school";
// old external
@module("/modules/school.js") external schoolName: string = "default"
@module external school: student => int = "/modules/school.js"
import values from JavaScript modules with @as and polyvariants
import {
openSync: (
@bs.string [
|"r") #Read
|"r+") #Read_write
|"rs+") #Read_write_sync
|"w") #Write
|"wx") #Write_fail_if_exists
|"w+") #Write_read
|"wx+") #Write_read_fail_if_exists
|"a") #Append
|"ax") #Append_fail_if_exists
|"a+") #Append_read
|"ax+") #Append_read_fail_if_exists
) => unit
} from "fs"
// old external
external openSync: (
|"r") #Read
|"r+") #Read_write
|"rs+") #Read_write_sync
|"w") #Write
|"wx") #Write_fail_if_exists
|"w+") #Write_read
|"wx+") #Write_read_fail_if_exists
|"a") #Append
|"ax") #Append_fail_if_exists
|"a+") #Append_read
|"ax+") #Append_read_fail_if_exists
) => unit = "openSync"
import a react component from a module
import {
"Circle" as make: (
~center: Leaflet.point,
~radius: int,
~opacity: float,
~stroke: bool,
~color: string,
~children: React.element=?
) => React.element
} from "react-leaflet"
What does an interface file look like?
// Path.resi
import {delimiter: string} from "path"
will become a reserved keyword - Newcomers unfamiliar with ReScript's module system, might try to import generated JavaScript from the compiler. Behind the scenes you would be writing an external, pointing to the generated JavaScript.
Plan for adoption
The way we teach this is very simple:
- The printer will reformat code into the new syntax where possible.
- Ship a new version of the docs. Aligning the docs with a new release of the compiler containing this syntax will be crucial.
Will imported values be public members of the module, as they currently are with the external
This certainly does seem more ergonomic / familiar to me from the JS perspective. Perhaps this is just an oversight but I don't see an example of binding to variadic functions, common practice being binding to the same function with a different name for each kind of call. I assume this would be covered though like this?
type options
import {
rmdirSync as rmdir: (string) => unit,
rmdirSync as rmdirWith: (string, options) => string,
} from "fs"
Newcomers unfamiliar with ReScript's module system, might try to import generated JavaScript from the compiler. Behind the scenes you would be writing an external, pointing to the generated JavaScript.
Honestly this seems like a big deal -- I can easily see users new to ReScript not understanding why some things need to be imported but not others.
Also as noted making import a keyword would break (albeit trivially) anyone who bound to module.import
for code-splitting? Are there concerns here for potential overlap with syntax-level future dynamic import support?
Will imported values be public members of the module, as they currently are with the
Import is just syntax sugar for external, and one will format to the other, so the answer can only be yes ๐ค
I feel a bit mixed about that one to be honest ๐
While I do agree that the external system can be confusing for newcomers (and syntactically weird and verbose) from my experience it's not because of the wording but the binding system itself.
It seems the new import is basically sugar for external, but the way import
works in JS and external
works in ReScript are conceptually different. This will open the door to a bunch of new questions (additionally to the questions and concerns already mentionned), especially since when importing/binding a value ReScript doesn't always import it right away in the generated JS file, but on call site (for functions).
Plus, as of today, there is no import/export mechanics in ReScript at all making the new syntax potentially confusing for some people who already use the language.
Additionally to the above, what about the export
keyword that's basically sugar for gentype? After that pr is merged import and export are not stricly symetric ๐
When speaking with people coming from JS/TS it seems the main issue is not the wording external/import or whatever, but to grasp the whole binding system, that doesn't exist in JS and works differently in TS (there is also a confusion ReScript module / Node module for some developers).
The binding logic exists in TS where you have a different extension (.d.ts), and the declare
keyword for types for instance (Scala.js solves this with facade files as well).
That's a much wider point than just commenting on the syntax change, and this is the wrong place for it. I suggest you post to the forum where it can be discussed properly ๐
I don't think that's a "much wider point", this pr introduces a new syntax that i don't remember seing discussed much on the forum apart from a vague "we might introduce an import syntax" thrown in a blog post that didn't bring much details. And that syntax is meant to address the whole binding "issue".
Next step is a (very well explained) pr. There is no official annoucement or post yet on the forum, and my experience with ReasonMl/ReScript as an early adopter tells me that's better to be safe than sorry and raise concerns as soon as possible.
That being said, I'd be very happy to share my concerns on the forum if and when the core team is ready to open a post ๐
From my reading of the blog post it's not intended to address the entire binding issue, only provide a more friendly syntax for certain scenarios (anything that doesn't involve @module
will still use external
Regardless, this is definitely the wrong place to discuss general binding issues like the difference between JS import
and ReScript export
; that's why I suggested making a dedicated post about it.
From my reading of the blog post it's not intended to address the entire binding issue
From my reading, it does. And that's exactly why i'm concerned: the situation, again, is not clear. What's the plan? Why a new syntax? What does it try to address if not the binding issue (and not only with Node modules/JS files)? Why an other "breaking change" ? What about the non module bindings ? If we keep external, why bother with import instead of improving the existing syntax for modules?
As for export there is already a post, and the feature seems to be confusing for some (which justifies my concerns).
Man, the way ReScript is managed really feels more and more like Elm to me....
I would like to echo gaku-sei's sentiments.
I would also love to see an example of syntax for a .resi
file. Some of my biggest hurdles have been trying to find out how to replicate the output of a PPX in a .resi
For example in the following example, what would an interface (.resi
) file look like to only make renameSync
visible outside of the module?
import {
renameSync as rename: (string, string) => string,
unlinkSync as unlink: string => unit,
} from "fs"
Finally my initial impression of the new syntax was that it makes the message of explaining ReScripts (OCaml's) module system a lot more difficult. If this syntax existed when I started learning Reason/ReScript, my first attempt would be to try and import something from another .res
file just as I would in JavaScript.
Just spitballing here, what if import
of a rescript/reasonml/ocaml file was just an alias for open
/ let assignments?
import { bar } from "SomeReScriptModule" // --> let bar =
Will imported values be public members of the module, as they currently are with the external mechanism?
Yes, public. It parses as external โฆ
I don't see an example of binding to variadic functions
You would import variadic functions with the @variadic
attribute: Added the example to the cases.
import {@variadic join: array<string> => string} from "path"
as noted making import a keyword would break anyone
It wouldn't break anyone. You can use keywords as regular identifiers:
let \"import" = 3.14
Are there concerns here for potential overlap with syntax-level future dynamic import support?
This is an excellent question. There's still room in the syntax for import('/modules/my-module.js')
. This can be made explicitly available when needed.
what if import of a rescript/reasonml/ocaml file was just an alias for open / let assignments?
The purpose of import
is to import values from JavaScript. Unlike JavaScript, ReScript doesn't have or need import statements.
what would an interface (.resi) file look like
There would be no magic here, and you would do business as usual: (Added as example to the cases)
// Path.resi
import { delimiter: string } from "path"
@gaku-sei @KingDutch, I hear you loud and clear. We want ReScript users to ship products, starting from a basic web app to a fully integrated SaaS solution built on JavaScript. Anything that we can do to help our developers ship, we will. Exploring new syntax to seamlessly interop between ReScript and JavaScript is one area where we can innovate and provide significant value for ReScript developers. This draft PR is a first step towards that vision. Regarding non module bindings, more research is needed and is high on my list. We definitely don't want to make things more difficult. One benefit of the new syntax parser is that it has been engineered with error messages in mind. So instead of <syntax error>
we can actually link to good documentation and explain what went wrong. Importing ReScript from ReScript, is one example where we can show a nice error message and link to the docs. I am working closely with @ryyppy. We will document everything in detail.
Happy to answer more questions and best wishes for the new year!
@IwanKaramazow thank you. This is meaningfully different from the behaviour of ES's import
statement, which brings the identifiers into scope only in the module and does not re-export them publicly. What do you think of instead using the export
keyword? Both ES and TS use export
to declare things that should be exported from the module. It would avoid the confusion of how it works and bypass any potential issues with people trying to import from ReScript sources.
@Kingdutch yes, there may be an initial learning curve for mistaking import for ReScript module imports... on the other hand, ppl will very quickly hit some walls (either don't know how what file to import, or they will realize that they need to add types to their imports, which will feel wrong). We'll have proper error messages, and hopefully, ppl will also read the import / export docs at some point? ๐
advantage of this particular syntax is that it is extremely easy to type and remember. Alternative would be to do @js import ....
, which is gettin rather annoying after learning the differences?
@yawaramin if I'm reading this correct, you're proposing export {dirname: string => string, delimiter: string} from "path"
to import values from JavaScript?
Thanks for all the additional details. I think there may be a philosophical reason why it doesnโt quite sit right with me. Iโll try to explain.
I like ReScript (and formerly ReasonML/BuckleScript) because it doesnโt try to mix into JavaScript. TypeScript does blur the line with all sorts of annoyances as a result. Instead ReScript is a separate language. The boundaries are clearly defined and afterwards I can stop thinking about them.
This line between ReScript and JavaScript is clearly demarcated by the word โexternalโ. Iโm binding to something outside of ReScript. After that binding, I can stop thinking about it. From what Iโve seen in my own projects this encourages putting bindings in specific modules or packages and then not thinking about the JavaScript part.
What I am worried about with the new syntax is that this line is blurred and people are encouraged to start importing things all over the place. This works fine in the relatively simplistic examples given above but can cause major problems when multiple types of a module need to be passed around and start working together. Encouraging new people to use import instead of a module encapsulating external can cause duplicate incompatible type definitions throughout the codebase.
In summary I donโt feel like the syntactic sugar is enough of an improvement over the existing tools to warrant blurring the lines of separation of concern that are a great power in ReScript.
The printer will reformat code into the new syntax where possible.
Perhaps allowing people to disable this could alleviate the blurring of lines. Although I can see why you wouldnโt want to split codebases.
A complete alternative could be to make the import syntax a doc tool only. Write the code that transforms a valid JS import statement into an external declaration. Add that as a tool to the docs and people can copy and paste the output into their project.
There are two other considerations that I have: import overloading in JavaScript and FFI to non-js code.
To the first point: In JavaScript we see that modern platforms allow importing all sorts of things, like CSS, Images, etc. Will we support those things as well with the new syntax? How will the errors look for users when they try to import an image as a URL? Are we leaving ourselves room to add this in the future?
To the second point: one of the beautiful things for me, when I started out learning Reason, is that external
just points to some external resource and the compiler figures out how to interop based on the context. In BuckleScript, annotations would make that an external to JS. In OCaml it could be to any other language.
This provides an interesting extension point because with the right PPX this could be extended to other external resources such as WASM or TypeScript.
I like ReScript (and formerly ReasonML/BuckleScript) because it doesnโt try to mix into JavaScript.
I'd state the exact opposite though... ReScript's success stems from the fact that we can seamlessly interact with JS without introducing a huge runtime / serialization layer. It would be really great to have the right language constructs to express zero-cost bindings and to allow quick JS interactions though.
What I am worried about with the new syntax is that this line is blurred and people are encouraged to start importing things all over the place.
It's more of a question why users import things all over the place (something that is already happening today btw, this is not related to simpler syntax).
I guess nobody imports stuff for fun, but more due to the fact that they cannot find any pure ReScript equivalents to library X, or they need to interact with their existing codebase (which will be very very likely). They probably also often need to interact with global apis such as the WebAPI, and currently it's terribly inefficient to write, read and teach those external bindings.
I think it's not less obvious that we are using unsafe code than with the external
keyword, because we'll need to provide types for each import.. Some users might think we'll do some wrapping magic, but after they run into their first external
related runtime error, or inspect the JS output (something we always adviced to this day), they will understand that we don't make it type-safe for them.
This line between ReScript and JavaScript is clearly demarcated by the word โexternalโ.
Spotting the line shouldn't be harder than with externals
. If I'd want to assess the amount of unsafe interop happening in my codebase, I'd regex search for the import
keyword, just in the same way as with external
. It's not like we are introducing an any
type.. nothing has changed from a type safety perspective.
I'd be more worried about users advertising Obj.magic
though ๐
This works fine in the relatively simplistic examples given above but can cause major problems when multiple types of a module need to be passed around and start working together. Encouraging new people to use import instead of a module encapsulating external can cause duplicate incompatible type definitions throughout the codebase.
Not sure how this is related to import
in general? If I'd realize that one of my modules is reliant on type x
that is introduced by via externals
multiple times in different modules, I'd probably factor that out in a separate module, no? E.g. you could introduce a type Canvas.t
and use it between different modules using import
to interact with the Canvas api?
To the first point: In JavaScript we see that modern platforms allow importing all sorts of things, like CSS, Images, etc. Will we support those things as well with the new syntax?
Sure (as long as you configured your JS loader correctly):
import userImg: string from "/public/static/userImg"
// desugars to
@module("/public/static/userImg.jpg") external userImg: unit = "default"
How will the errors look for users when they try to import an image as a URL? Are we leaving ourselves room to add this in the future?
The syntax literally desugars to @module
externals, so the import
doesn't do any specific logic (therefore you can use urls or whatever you please, as long as you use the es6 output), and your JS loader is responsible for showing the right error if a user tries to import invalid resources.
@IwanKaramazow sticked with the ES6 import conventions, so I am pretty sure we are future proof.
To the second point: one of the beautiful things for me, when I started out learning Reason, is that external just points to some external resource and the compiler figures out how to interop based on the context. In BuckleScript, annotations would make that an external to JS. In OCaml it could be to any other language.
The external
keyword will still exist, and the import
syntax is just "an alias" to the right external decorations (@module
). All the beauty will still persist, and there is no change in the compiler preventing that.
@yawaramin if I'm reading this correct, you're proposing
export {dirname: string => string, delimiter: string} from "path"
to import values from JavaScript?
What if we come full circle and propose external {dirname: string => string, delimiter: string} from "path"
๐ or something like extimport
In all seriousness, however this pans out it will improve life for me (I do a lot of module externals in my current project) and encourage us to switch to ReScript syntax.
I do agree with the sentiment here that matching the ES6 style exactly, while convenient for aesthetic reasons, has a lot of potential downsides. Some pros and cons off the top of my head:
- ๐ High risk of confusion if it's explained as "write this like ES6 import syntax" when the semantics are very different
- ๐ Having an
keyword that exports what it creates whileopen
doesn't is confusing - ๐ Counter-point to the above: we already have
which does export what it adds - ๐ The syntax overlap reduces the amount of things to learn for a new user (i.e. they already know it, now it just works differently)
Overall I think sort of export/external alternate keyword would help, but import
isn't a terrible choice.
@IwanKaramazow exactly, just swap import
and replace with export
@js import ...
was a pretty nice suggestion in my opinion, although I'm unsure if @ryyppy meant it as a real suggestion ๐. Keeps the easy to remember syntax of import
, and adds an extra tiny layer that clarifies what it actually is/does. I really like that personally.
@TheSpyder I know you were kidding, but I seriously thought about suggesting external {dirname: string => string, delimiter: string} from "path"
:-) it has the advantage that it reuses an existing keyword.
@zth Yes, that was a real suggestion. The downside is that you now might occupy two lines:
import {dirname: string => string} from "path"
The code looks nicer without the @js
, but it might be clearer with? Maybe?
I think it's clearer with, even if it occupies two lines. That'd give a gentle nudge to the user that it's indeed an import from js, and I think that would reduce the potential confusion.
@TheSpyder I know you were kidding, but I seriously thought about suggesting
external {dirname: string => string, delimiter: string} from "path"
:-) it has the advantage that it reuses an existing keyword.
I was only half kidding. It does neatly nod to what's really happening while still being almost entirely ES6 with one word swapped. But the moment we say "like ES6 import, but swap import to external" we start to run into the same documentation issues.
@zth Yes, that was a real suggestion. The downside is that you now might occupy two lines:
@js import {dirname: string => string} from "path"
The code looks nicer without the
, but it might be clearer with? Maybe?
Could you swap them?
import @js
{dirname: string => string} from "path"```
Let's not add import as a keyword here, import is used to import functions within the same language, also adding a new keyword adds lot of complexity, in general, we should avoid adding new keywords without introducing new semantics.
I suggest we do something more incremental as below:
external "fs" {
rmdirSync as rmdir: (string) => unit,
rmdirSync as rmdirWith: (string, options) => string,
I totally second @bobzhang 's idea here. Actually I was about to propose the same syntax with the external
keyword ๐
To be honest I don't see any improvements using import
instead of external
as explained above ๐
On the other hand, I do like the new as
syntax that makes bindings clearer and less fragile. Also, the new syntax should work for ambiant values.
To elaborate on @bobzhang 's example:
// Several bindings at once
external "fs" {
rmdirSync as rmdir: (string) => unit,
rmdirSync as rmdirWith: (string, options) => string,
// One binding at a time
external "fs" rmdirSync as rmdir: (string) => unit
external "fs" rmdirSync as rmdirWith: (string, options) => string
// Global binding
external setInterval: (unit => unit, float) => unit
external setInterval as whateverCrazyName: (unit => unit, float) => unit
// Classes
type date
external Date as date: unit => date
// Forbidden keywords would reuse the \"..." syntax
external \"type" as type_: string
Or something along those lines.
It would:
- Makes bindings lighter and more robust (always felt a bit off to have
= "importedValue"
at the end of the external) - Easy to learn/remember as it partly relies on the import syntax
- Easier to read
- Works well for all bindings (while some might need some @attributes)
- Nothing new to learn
hmm, before we get this kind of syntax, I'd rather just have no changes. Less work on the syntax and a lot less to do educational / docs wise.
What does external "abc" even mean? that's complete off from a left to right reading perspective and looks like you are defining an external called abc.
At least keep the "from" keyword to make it somewhat understandable.
Messing around with two completely twisted kinds of "import syntaxes" when dealing with JS / ReScript codebases will just continue to be a huge pain.
Also, probably worth mentioning: import is already a reserved keyword today... you need to escape it, even if the keyword is not used.
before we get this kind of syntax, I'd rather just have no changes
That sounds like the most reasonable thing to do to be honest ๐
Introducing the new import
syntax is just more confusing than anything, and doesn't solve any pain points.
From the look of it, there are 2 pain points:
- The newcomers who have a hard time to understand the binding syntax (later on that one). But it doesn't seem that adding yet an other construct with
will make the complexity vanish, on the contrary it'll add complexity on top of complexity. Especially as it seems from a previous post thatimport
would be used additionally toexternal
. Again, not only is it a bit weird to useimport
to notimport
anything, but also it's not symetric with the wayexport
currently works ๐ (the reason whyexport
is sugar for@genType
is beyond me, but that's another topic). - The people who have to write a lot of externals and would like a more lightweight/clearer syntax
Also, and while I understand ReScript is not the same as TS/Scala/C#/etc... it's always worth taking a look at how things are achieved in other languages. In TS the module binding system exists, and it's a .d.ts
declaration file, Kotlin uses external
, Scala.js uses something very close (with some annotations), so the concept is not that foreign, and shoudn't be a big hurdle for newcomers (and from my experience working with newcomers no one had a hard time with the external
syntax, but rather the "proper" way to bind some kind of values, and to remember all the @
keywords, but that's an other issue, and import
doesn't solve it either).
Taking the TS way, we could even consider using the resi
files to bind js files when there is no equivalent res
file, but that could be even more confusing. Adding yet an other extension like resd
, using the same syntax as resi
but binding external values is also an idea, and it would feel very familiar to TS developers.
that's complete off from a left to right reading perspective
Hey!! That's how it works on Python and it seems ok for many developers ๐
Introducing the new import syntax is just more confusing than anything, and doesn't solve any pain points.
I strongly disagree with this. Writing bindings has historically been one of the most mentioned frictions when onboarding new users, mostly because current approach has nothing to do with JS way to import code, so one has to learn some random attributes like
or whatever. In that sense, I very much appreciate this proposal, and I believe it is valuable because it brings bindings syntax closer to what JS users are used to already.
I also agree that (ab)using import
for this case is confusing, but I also think (ab)using external
to then reinvent totally different semantics (that have nothing to do with OCaml external
) is equally confusing.
What if there was a totally different word used for this? e.g. use
use { delimiter: string } from "path"
use school: string from "school"
use * as leftPad: (string, int) => string from "leftPad"
That way there is no room from confusion, but users still can leverage syntactic knowledge about how values are imported in JS thanks to the proposal.
I strongly disagree with this. Writing bindings has historically been one of the most mentioned frictions when onboarding new users, mostly because current approach has nothing to do with JS way to import code, so one has to learn some random attributes like or whatever. In that sense, I very much appreciate this proposal, and I believe it is valuable because it brings bindings syntax closer to what JS users are used to already.
I'd like to second this almost in its entirety. This is a good thing to talk about. I want to thank the original poster and those they consulted for their efforts tacking "the bindings problem". I would also like to observe that in the future there are fewer sunk costs and less ego involved with feedback on a proposal versus an implementation. Perhaps I missed the original proposal? Perhaps even a simple established RFP procedure would alleviate this in the future?
When I hit my personal wall with bindings, it was not the syntax that confused me (other than = "someString"
being a small speed bump). It was typing, and understanding what Rescript/Reason wanted me to do. The problem was literally what to type as the type, particularly for objects, polymorphism, when this abstract type thing was necessary, etc. I believe this is what @jchavarri notes when he points out the pain involved with
and friends.
It seems to me like a new syntax does nothing to fix that actual pain, yet incurs all the typical costs of a more complicated (larger) language syntax (with the added pain of having two language keywords to express the same concept). In addition, it incurs the overhead of asking new reason users to unlearn a concept from javascript. For example, as a new user to reason, one of the very first things that confused me was "how do I reference something in this other file". Should I have been presented with an import
syntax, you bet your butt I would have tried to use it, because that's what I knew to use for javascript. And while we could easily throw a yellow box up on a docs page explaining this difference at the top, I would gently suggest adding new syntax that immediately wants for a warning that it does not do what you think it does, is not ideal.
In sum, I would question the underlying assumption that syntax is the problem (but am open to being shown otherwise). That being the case, I think the problems with any new keyword might outweigh the benefits, and would prefer it not be added until we can establish that people are really being tripped up on the syntax of externals versus the deeper issues around type modeling a dynamic language with ml.
FWIW, I found Typescript declaration files extremely esoteric when I learned Typescript (and still think so in some respects, lol). But it is a non-issue since coverage is good with with definitely typed. Are there any immediate problems with going that route instead: having a centralized, easy to search, easy to contribute repository of bindings to which we can refer new community members to for examples of bindings and pre-written bindings? Not every solution to every problem is an engineering one, here documentation, advocacy, or a product like a definitely typed for rescript might help address the same issue as this PR
As a ReasonML/ReScript beginner, what I felt while writing some bindings, syntaxes/keywords weren't really obstacles, but It made it easy to infer that the different behavior.
The reason why binding became difficult for me was to write bindings for the point-free style abstraction, and for this, I had to abandon the zero-cost binding many times.
In fact, these courses have helped me a lot in learning the reason-ish way. So I think it's a much more helpful approach that to provide a binding template like flow-typed does or a converter like ReasonablyTyped in case users are sometimes confused about how to achieve binding properly.