kURL copied to clipboard
etcdserver: mvcc: database space exceeded
Ive setup kubernetes on ubuntu using curl https://kurl.sh/latest | sudo bash
after a day of mucking around and provisioning my cluster, I now get this error when trying to run kubectl commands. basicly unable to make any kubernetes changes, cant delete or add anything, cant purge node.
i tried using etcdctl to see if i could maybe find a solution, but it fails to connect to the etcdserver.
Any idea how i can resolve this?
Hi @Snazzie can you provide the steps to reproduce from a fresh server this so we can get a better understanding of the issue you are experiencing? Also any relevant log messages.
Ive made a new cluster since and havent hit this error but, im still unable to talk with etcd-server.
- Ubuntu 20.04.5 VM
- run
curl https://kurl.sh/latest | sudo bash
- run
curl -o tasks.sh https://kurl.sh/latest/tasks.sh
- run
sudo bash tasks.sh generate-admin-user
- connect to cluster with admin context
- shell into etcd pod
- run
etcdctl alarm list
sh-5.1# etcdctl alarm list
{"level":"warn","ts":"2023-01-11T20:27:40.371Z","logger":"etcd-client","caller":"[email protected]/retry_intercepto
r.go:62","msg":"retrying of unary invoker failed","target":"etcd-endpoints://0xc000430a80/","
attempt":0,"error":"rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = latest balancer error: last connection error:
connection closed before server preface received"}
Error: context deadline exceeded
i browsed the etcd repo for issue relating to database space exceeded, the solution is to defrag/increase database etc. but cant do so if i cant interface with it.
Hi @Snazzie,
It is open for while. Could you please let us know if it still a problem? Could you please let us know if you still needing helping with or if it is sorted out already?
Not exactly this error. but am still getting similar outcome where kubernetes cluster actions become deadlocked
havent encountered this error for some time now. closing ticket