replete-web copied to clipboard
Replete Web
A ClojureScript web app with a self-hosted eval REPL.
It is compliant with 1.10 features and bundled with the following commonly used namespaces:
- clojure.core.reducers
- clojure.reflect
- clojure.set
- clojure.string
- clojure.walk
- clojure.test.check
- cljs.pprint
- cljs.reader
- cljs.spec.alpha
- cljs.spec.gen.alpha
- cljs.spec.test.alpha
- cljs.test
Usability features:
Like the native Replete family REPLs it supports a simple, clean interface with
editing to simplify form entry - command history (via Cmd/Ctrl up/down arrows)
As with all projects, there's always more to do and we are happy to take PRs!
Please open issues to report a bug or propose new features / improvements.
Starting REPLETE in Development - with Figwheel
Start a development REPL / Browser session
clojure -A:fig-repl
[Figwheel] Compiling build replete to "resources/public/js/compiled/app.js"
[Figwheel] Successfully compiled build replete to "resources/public/js/compiled/app.js" in 6.961 seconds.
ClojureScript 1.10.520
The REPLETE web UI will be served and you can interact / dev / test
Starting REPLETE in Development - without Figwheel
Start a development REPL / Browser session
$ clojure -A:repl
Watch compilation log available at: resources/public/js/compiled/out/watch.log
ClojureScript 1.10.520
The REPLETE web UI will be served and you can interact / dev / test
NOTE: this REPL do not use figwheel so you will need to manually refresh the page to obtain changes to behaviour.
Local HTTP via Python
cd resources/public
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8888
Open http://localhost:8888
in your browser
will stop the server
Local HTTP via Docker
Assuming you have Docker all set up and running . . .
Starting the docker container
Open http://localhost:8888
in your browser
will stop the docker container and clean up
Copyright © 2019–2023 Ray McDermott, Mike Fikes, and Contributors
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.