tgbot-cpp copied to clipboard
Api: callback button spinning circle
When I use the sample "inline-keyboard" on Android, the tapped button gets a spinning circle (as though waiting for answer). All everything else is ok.
Here the code:
#include <exception>
#include <tgbot/tgbot.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace TgBot;
int main() {
Bot bot(token);
InlineKeyboardMarkup::Ptr keyboard(new InlineKeyboardMarkup);
vector<InlineKeyboardButton::Ptr> row0;
InlineKeyboardButton::Ptr checkButton(new InlineKeyboardButton);
checkButton->text = "check";
checkButton->callbackData = "check";
bot.getEvents().onCommand("start", [&bot, &keyboard](Message::Ptr message) {
bot.getApi().sendMessage(message->chat->id, "ok", false, 0, keyboard);
bot.getEvents().onCallbackQuery([&bot, &keyboard](CallbackQuery::Ptr query) {
if (StringTools::startsWith(query->data, "check")) {
bot.getApi().sendMessage(query->message->chat->id, "ok", false, 0, keyboard);
try {
printf("Bot username: %s\n", bot.getApi().getMe()->username.c_str());
TgLongPoll longPoll(bot);
while (true) {
} catch (TgException& e) {
printf("error: %s\n", e.what());
return 0;
You have to call answerCallbackQuery
(even if you don't want to give any user feedback) when reacting on Keyboard Callbacks. See Telegram Bot API documentation, especially the Note there.
Upon calling that function the spinning circle will disappear, without calling the function it will only disappear after a few seconds.