renzu_jobs copied to clipboard
All in One Jobs basic needs for Fivem Roleplay Gameplay
FIVEM - renzu_jobs - Basic Jobs Utility Needs for Roleplay Gameplay
Boss Action
- Salary Management
- Employee Management ( Promote / Demoted )
- Job Money ( Cash and Black Money )
- Send Bonus to Employee ( offline player can receive )
- Fire Employee (offline player can be fire)
- Boss Inventory ( Grade Level Permmision )
- Public Inventory ( ex. armory )
- Personal Inventory ( Player Owned Stash )
Job Shop (business)
- Public Shop ( All Player can buy ) - Income money will go to Job money
- Private Shop - Want a Private shop for your job? ex. supply shop
- Item and Weapon Selling Supported
- Every job can have a crafting table
- Item Crafting
- Weapon Crafting
- Crafting Timer
Wardrobe (SKINCHANGER ONLY Supported)
- Every Job can change its appearance or clothes
- Wardrobe ( Select Existing Clothes)
Weapon Armory
- Job Grade Permission Per Weapons
- Customize Your Weapon Attachments
Job Vehicle Shop
- Configurable Vehicle Shop
- Vehicle Model Pricing Configurable
- Auto Save to Garage
Job Garage
- Player Owned Vehicles bought from vehicle will be stored here
- Any Vehicle can be stored here and it will be register as a job vehicle for this garage
- Simple Config
- Payable Lost Vehicles
- Anti Dupe Vehicle
Other important info
- Each Job Feature can be limit by grade access
- All Jobs Data came from jobs, job_grades table (ESX)
- Society Money (ESX Society) data can be grab once to transfer it to renzu_jobs database.
- PopUI can be used disable by default
Job Money Exports
local money = 0
exports.renzu_job:JobMoney('police') -- return job money
exports.renzu_job:addMoney(10000,'police',source,'money,true) -- add job money
exports.renzu_job:removeMoney(10000,'police',source,'money',true,paycheck) -- remove job money @paycheck : true or false
Inventory Image CONFIG
config.inventory = 'esx_inventoryhud'
- change this to your inventory script folder name
config.inventoryImageUrl = 'https://cfx-nui-'..config.inventory..'/html/img/items/'
- Verify the path ex. /html/img/items/ ,, if its correct.
- Images from your inventory will be used ,instead of hosting it in renzu_jobs folder.
- Discord Webhook is Supported
- Each Job Feature have a webhook and its set to false as default, change it to your discord webhooklink
- Ox_lib
- Job Creator
- Command: /jobcreator
Money Wash
- Preconfigured Money wash using IPL
- Default 4 available Washing slot
- can be owned by job
- Tax
- Configurable Interaction
- Event Firing Logic
- command /interaction (or bind it to F6 if you like) [details="Sample How to Setup Interaction"]
Job Table in config ( example is in police default config )
index | grade | type |
table identifier of this interaction eg 1 for cuff | default job grade to have this interaction | interaction type eg. citizen_interaction |
['interaction'] = {
['Citizen Interaction'] = {
[1] = {index = 2, grade = 0, type = 'citizen_interaction'},
['Vehicle Interaction'] = {
[1] = {index = 2, grade = 0, type = 'vehicle_interaction'},
table identifier | label | name |
int number ex. [1] for cuff | Menu Name | Event name |
# this is the config
config.citizen_interaction = {
[1] = {label = 'Cuff', name = 'cuff'},
[2] = {label = 'Check ID', name = 'checkid'},
[3] = {label = 'Bill', name = 'bill'},
[4] = {label = 'Search Citizen', name = 'searchplayer'},
[5] = {label = 'Escort', name = 'drag1'},
[6] = {label = 'Put in Vehicle', name = 'putinvehicle'},
[7] = {label = 'Jail', name = 'jail'},
[8] = {label = 'Gunshot Residue', name = 'gsr'},
[9] = {label = 'Drug Swab Test', name = 'swabtest'},
[10] = {label = 'Breathalizer', name = 'breathalizer'},
[11] = {label = 'Manage License', name = 'managelicense'},
[12] = {label = 'Check BP', name = 'checkbp1'},
[13] = {label = 'Revive Citizen', name = 'revive1'},
[14] = {label = 'Send to Emergency Room', name = 'sendtoemergencyroom'},
[15] = {label = 'Revive Patient in Emergency Room', name = 'revive2'},
[16] = {label = 'Heal Small Wounds', name = 'healsmall1'},
[17] = {label = 'Drag Dead Body', name = 'drag2'},
[18] = {label = 'Carry', name = 'carry1'},
config.vehicle_interaction = {
[1] = {label = 'Drag out in Vehicle', name='dragout1'},
[2] = {label = 'Lockpick', name='lockpick'},
[3] = {label = 'Impound', name='impound'},
[4] = {label = 'Use Car Jack', name='liftvehicle'},
[5] = {label = 'Engine Repair', name='enginerepair1'},
[6] = {label = 'Body Repair', name='bodyrepair1'},
[7] = {label = 'Flatbed', name='flatbed1'},
[8] = {label = 'Clean Vehicle', name='cleanvehicle1'},
[9] = {label = 'Vehicle Chop', name='vehiclechop1'},
[10] = {label = 'Put Body in Vehicle', name='putbodyinvehicle1'},
you can use renzu_jobs\plugins to install custom lua files to use in interaction events (sample is provided)
name for client files must start with cl_ and sv_ for server [/details]