renzu_hud copied to clipboard
is possible in hud adding ID of player without open specific function ???
You can Cut it out from code and let it Shown all the time but remember all what player have presisted displayed always taking his PC speed even a small ID is some 0.0023ms and also dont forgot to check the ID only once on playerspawn becouse if you let the script still asking for ID number it will be very burdensome.
function Standalone(playerId, identifier, name, slot) local self = {} self.source = playerId self.identifier = identifier = name self.charslot = slot return self end
i found this how integrate ? Citizen.CreateThread(function() while true do local id = GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()) Citizen.Wait(0) DrawTxt(1.200, 0.50, 1.0,1.0,0.50,"~w~Your ID: ~r~".. id .."~w~", 255,255,255,255) end end)
function DrawTxt(x,y ,width,height,scale, text, r,g,b,a) SetTextFont(4) SetTextProportional(0) SetTextScale(scale, scale) SetTextColour(r, g, b, a) SetTextDropShadow(0, 0, 0, 0,255) SetTextEdge(2, 0, 0, 0, 255) SetTextOutline() SetTextEntry("STRING") AddTextComponentString(text) DrawText(x - width/2, y - height/2 + 0.005) end
you can crete separate script I am not suggesting to put it into renzu hud becouse its unclean code but you can put it into renzu_jobs into folder PLUGINS:
name it : cl_showid.lua
but as I say this take you nonsence 0.2ms for show ID 2 imagine that whole massive renzu_hud take only 0.4ms so think if you really need it. I have a roleplay server and players prefer to have a clean empty screen.