renpy-build copied to clipboard fails
So I tried following steps:
- Installed a clean Ubuntu 23.10 into a VirtualBox (7.0.12) environment.
- Created a user "rb" as instructed and made it root.
- Cloned renpy-build and hit ./
and got this:
(, line 14)
E: Unable to locate package python2-dev
Is python2-dev still needed or is this only for building with python version 2? After deleting python2-dev in, I have the following:
(, line 45)
Ign:2 1lvm-toolchain-mantic-15 InRelease
Err:6 llvm-toolchain-mantic-15 Release
Not Found [IP: 443]
Reading package lists... Done
E: The repository llvm-toolchain-mantic-15 Release' does not have a Release file.
N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.
N: See apt-secure(8) mandage rb@renpy-1-2:~/renpy-builds
for repository creation and user configuration details.
Is it possible to use llvm 16 or 17?
(nightly/, line 17)
copying src/pygame
_sl2/pygame_sdl2.h -> /us/include/python3.11
error: could not create
/usr/include/python3.11/pygame_sd12.h': Permission deni
ed rb@renpy-1-2:~/reny-butld§
After changing line 18 to:
sudo python3 install headers
This is our next output:
Traceback (most recent call last):
"/home/rb/renpy-build/pygame_sd2/", line 26, in ‹module> from setuplib import android,
ios, windows, cython, pymodule, setup, parse_c
flags, parse_libs, find_unnecessary_gen, gen
"/home/rb/renpy-build/pygame_sd12/", line 27, in <module> import setuptools
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'setuptools'
Am I missing something here? Thanks.
python2-dev is still needed.
You might want to make sure the universe and multiverse repositories are enabled.
AFAIK, Python 2 is not available in Ubuntu 23.04 and later so the python2-dev cannot be installed. Maybe it is available through ESM/Ubuntu Pro?
Building Ren'Py from a fresh Ubuntu 22.04 docker container worked for me, after installing the libharfbuzz-dev
and bc
packages. I've only tried building the web3 version though.
Ah, okay. I have it here, though we may be able to live without it. That being said, it might make sense to just stick to 22.04 until we drop Python 2 support entirely, in mid 2024.
Thanks for the advice. I attempted the build process on a fresh Ubuntu 22.04 VM. I installed the libharfbuzz-dev
and bc
However I encountered an error related to the absence of the Live2DCubismCore.h file:
/home/rb/renpy-build/renpy/gen3-static/renpy.gl2.live2dmodel.c:751:10: fatal error: 'Live2DCubismCore.h' file not found
I tried to build for Windows but after trying for the Web platform, I noticed that the same error occurs. Did you also encouter this problem? I saved the Cubism SDK in /renpy-build/tars
as stated in the renpy-build/tars/README.rst
before running ./
. (
@renpytom I agree, better stick to Ubuntu 22.04 as it's the latst version to support Python 2 and it's a LTS so it should be maintained until 2027. It is possible to install Python 2 on 23.10 manually or using tools like pyenv
, but that will increase build time ofc.
@LorinDesch You need to download the exact same version as renpy-build expects, which is "".
For the records, here are the commands I've used to build Ren'Py on docker (first command is from the host):
docker run --interactive --tty --name renpy_build ubuntu:22.04 bash
apt update && apt install git sudo lsb-release wget software-properties-common gnupg nano
apt install libharfbuzz-dev bc
mkdir renpy-dev
cd /renpy-dev
git clone
cd renpy-build
cd tars
wget ''
cd ..
. tmp/virtualenv.py3/bin/activate
./ --platform web
You may want to change the renpy-build repository URL to your own, as well as the URLs in "nightly/" before executing "".
Thanks for your assistance. Unfortunately, I've encountered new errors (still building for Windows). The specific error I'm facing is as follows:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/rb/renpy-build/./", line 231, in <module>
File "/home/rb/renpy-build/./", line 227, in main
File "/home/rb/renpy-build/./", line 122, in build
File "/home/rb/renpy-build/renpybuild/", line 97, in run
File "/home/rb/renpy-build/tasks/", line 532, in python3
raise Exception(f"Unused rules: {rules - used_rules}")
Exception: Unused rules: {'steamapi'}
I noticed that line 527 in renpy-build/tasks/python.lib is commented out:
# used_rules.add("steamapi")
if rules - used_rules:
if c.platform != "web":
raise Exception(f"Unused rules: {rules - used_rules}")
According to renpy-build/tars/README.rst
, Ren'Py should build without Steamworks. Is it safe to comment out this line? I tried doing that, but it resulted in a linker error: running in /home/rb/renpy-build/tmp/build/ ... running in /home/rb/renpy-build/tmp/build/ ... running in /home/rb/renpy-build/tmp/build/ ...
ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: SharpYuvComputeConversionMatrix
>>> referenced by libavif.a(reformat_libsharpyuv.c.obj):(avifImageRGBToYUVLibSharpYUV)
ld.lld: error: undefined symbol: SharpYuvConvert
>>> referenced by libavif.a(reformat_libsharpyuv.c.obj):(avifImageRGBToYUVLibSharpYUV)
clang-15: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) process failed with 1.
args: 'ccache' '/home/rb/renpy-build/tmp/' '-target' 'x86_64-w64-mingw32' '--sysroot' '/home/rb/renpy-build/tmp/' '-fPIC' '-pthread' '-std=gnu++17' '-O3' '-L/home/rb/renpy-build/tmp/' '-shared' '-static-libstdc++' '-o' 'librenpython.dll' 'librenpython.o' '-lrenpy' '-lfribidi' '/home/rb/renpy-build/tmp/' '-lavformat' '-lavcodec' '-lswscale' '-lswresample' '-lavutil' '-lSDL2_image' '-lSDL2' '-lopengl32' '-lavif' '-laom' '-lyuv' '-ljpeg' '-lpng16' '-lwebp' '-lharfbuzz' '-lbrotlidec' '-lfreetype' '-lffi' '-lssl' '-lcrypto' '-llzma' '-lbz2' '-lbcrypt' '-lz' '-lm' '-lpthread' '-lws2_32' '-liphlpapi' '-ldinput8' '-ldxguid' '-ldxerr8' '-luser32' '-lgdi32' '-lwinmm' '-limm32' '-lcomdlg32' '-lole32' '-loleaut32' '-lshell32' '-lsetupapi' '-lversion' '-luuid'
File "/home/rb/renpy-build/./", line 231, in <module>
File "/home/rb/renpy-build/./", line 227, in main
File "/home/rb/renpy-build/./", line 122, in build
File "/home/rb/renpy-build/renpybuild/", line 97, in run
File "/home/rb/renpy-build/tasks/", line 329, in link_windows"""
File "/home/rb/renpy-build/renpybuild/", line 331, in run, self, verbose, quiet)
File "/home/rb/renpy-build/renpybuild/", line 453, in run
The library libavif-dev is already installed.
Regarding the last one -
Regarding steamapi
- if I'm correct, you need to add the SDK, which is listed in the README.
Ah, okay. I have it here, though we may be able to live without it. That being said, it might make sense to just stick to 22.04 until we drop Python 2 support entirely, in mid 2024.
Perhaps python2-dev
is no longer needed, since the build scripts are all run through python3, and hostpython2
manually builds the python2 used by Renpy 7.