Renesh Bedre
Renesh Bedre
Hi Raphael, Thank you very much for your quick response.
which version of bioinfokit you are using? Is it possible for you to share your data to replicate error?
Currently, you can not change the shape of the genes provided by `genenames` parameter. I will add this request to my development list. Thank you.
By default, plots will be saved in the current directory. Maybe you can write a wrapper script to move the files in your destination directory. If you have no downregulated...
Currently, you can not change the marker shape/color for PCA plots. I will add this request to my development list. Thank you.
Thank you for notifying me. Currently, the volcano plot function does not support the title parameter. I will add it to the next release.
Not at the moment. Legend font size fixed and can not be edited by passing parameter.
Thank you for reporting.
Not at the moment. I will try to provide this function in future releases.
Please try with `theme=None` parameter