XlsxReaderWriter copied to clipboard
XlsxReaderWriter is an Objective-C library for iPhone / iPad and Mac. It parses and writes MS Excel XLSX files.
XlsxReaderWriter is an Objective-C library for iPhone / iPad and Mac. It parses and writes Excel OpenXml files (XLSX).
XlsxReaderWriter is able to:
- Read a spreadsheet document (XLSX file)
- Save a spreadsheet document
- Create worksheet
- Copy worksheet
- Remove worksheet
- Read cells content (Formula, error, string, attributed string, formatted number, boolean, date)
- Write cells content (Formula, error, string, attributed string, formatted number, boolean, date)
- Get images
- Add images (JPEG or PNG)
- Add/remove rows in sheets
- Add/remove columns in sheets
- Change number formatting
- Read content from merge cells
- Get cell fill as a UIColor
- Change cell fill
- ... many other things
- Add/remove columns in sheets
- Create spreadsheet document from scratch
- Improve number formatting
- Borders
- Add better support for comments (add, remove, read)
XlsxReaderWriter can't create a SpreadsheetML (XLSX) file from scratch. You have to open an existing file and modify it before saving it. Not really a problem: Create your file with Excel or Numbers with all the needed formatting (fills, borders, etc.) then include the file as a resource of your project.
##Third parties
Third parties are included in this repository, not linked as git submodules.
- SSZipArchive: Compression/decompression library
- XMLDictionary: Converts XML to NSDictionary and NSDictionary to XML
##Linking (Objective-C)
To include the library to your Xcode project:
- Create a new project or open an existing project
- Insert XlsxReaderWriter.xcodeproj as a sub project of your project
- In your target Build phases insert XlsxReaderWriter as a target dependency
- Add libXlsxReaderWriter.a and libz.tbd in Link binary with Libraries. Older systems can use libz.dylib instead of libz.tbd.
- Add -all_load in Linking / Other Linker Flags in your project settings
- Add the XlsxReaderWriter root directory path to User Header Search Paths and set it as recursive. For example, set the path to "$(SRCROOT)/XlsxReaderWriter/", not "$(SRCROOT)/XlsxReaderWriter/XlsxReaderWriter/".
Now, you can import BRAOfficeDocumentPackage.h in your code.
##Linking (Swift bridging)
If you want to use this library from some Swift code, be sure to follow the same steps as in the Objective-C linking, then:
- you should #import "XlsxReaderWriter-swift-bridge.h" in your bridge header file
- if you don't have any bridge header file, create a new .h file, and #import "XlsxReaderWriter-swift-bridge.h"
- Set the path to your bridge file in your project settings : Swift Compiler - Code Generation / Objective-C Bridging Header.
More info about this could be find here
##How to ####Read a spreadsheet document (XLSX file) #####Objective-C
NSString *documentPath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"testWorkbook" ofType:@"xlsx"];
BRAOfficeDocumentPackage *spreadsheet = [BRAOfficeDocumentPackage open:documentPath];
var documentPath: String = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("testWorkbook", ofType: "xlsx")
var spreadsheet: BRAOfficeDocumentPackage = BRAOfficeDocumentPackage.open(documentPath)
####Save a spreadsheet document #####Objective-C
[spreadsheet save];
//Save a copy
NSString *fullPath = [[NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES) lastObject] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"workbookCopy.xlsx"];
[spreadsheet saveAs:fullPath];
//Save a copy
var fullPath: String = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, true).lastObject().stringByAppendingPathComponent("workbookCopy.xlsx")
####Get a worksheet #####Objective-C
//First worksheet in the workbook
BRAWorksheet *firstWorksheet = spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets[0];
//Worksheet named "Foo"
BRAWorksheet *fooWorksheet = [spreadsheet.workbook createWorksheetNamed:@"Foo"];
//First worksheet in the workbook
var firstWorksheet: BRAWorksheet = spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets[0]
//Worksheet named "Foo"
var fooWorksheet: BRAWorksheet = spreadsheet.workbook.createWorksheetNamed("Foo")
####Read cells content: Formula #####Objective-C
NSString *formula = [[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"B4"] formulaString]
var formula: String = worksheet.cellForCellReference("B4").formulaString()
####Read cells content: error #####Objective-C
NSString *errorValue = nil;
if ([[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"B2"] hasError]) {
errorValue = [[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"B2"] stringValue];
var errorValue: String? = nil
if worksheet.cellForCellReference("B2").hasError() {
errorValue = worksheet.cellForCellReference("B2").stringValue()
####Read cells content: string #####Objective-C
NSString *string = [[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"B6"] stringValue];
var string: String = worksheet.cellForCellReference("B6").stringValue()
####Read cells content: attributed string #####Objective-C
//Cell style is applied to the cell content
NSAttributedString *attributedString = [[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"B5"] attributedStringValue];
//Cell style is applied to the cell content
var attributedString: NSAttributedString = worksheet.cellForCellReference("B5").attributedStringValue()
####Read cells content: formatted number #####Objective-C
//Integer cell value
NSInteger cellIntValue = [[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"B5"] integerValue];
//Float cell value
CGFloat cellFloatValue = [[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"B5"] floatValue];
//Formatted number cell value
CGFloat cellFloatValue = [[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"B5"] stringValue];
//Integer cell value
var cellIntValue: Int = CInteger(worksheet.cellForCellReference("B5"))!
//Float cell value
var cellFloatValue: CGFloat = CFloat(worksheet.cellForCellReference("B5"))!
//Formatted number cell value
var cellFloatValue: CGFloat = worksheet.cellForCellReference("B5").stringValue()
####Read cells content: boolean #####Objective-C
BOOL cellTruth = [[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"B5"] boolValue];
var cellTruth: Bool = CBool(worksheet.cellForCellReference("B5"))!
####Write cells content: Formula #####Objective-C
[[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"Y26" shouldCreate:YES] setFormulaString:@"TODAY()"];
worksheet.cellForCellReference("Y26", shouldCreate: true).formulaString = "TODAY()"
####Write cells content: error #####Objective-C
[[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"Y27" shouldCreate:YES] setError:@"#DIV/0!"];
worksheet.cellForCellReference("Y27", shouldCreate: true).error = "#DIV/0!"
####Write cells content: string #####Objective-C
[[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"Y24" shouldCreate:YES] setStringValue:@"FOO / BAR"];
worksheet.cellForCellReference("Y24", shouldCreate: true).stringValue = "FOO / BAR"
####Write cells content: attributed string #####Objective-C
[[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"Z24" shouldCreate:YES]
setAttributedStringValue:[[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"RED is not GREEN" attributes:@{NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [UIColor greenColor]}]];
worksheet.cellForCellReference("Z24", shouldCreate: true).attributedStringValue = NSAttributedString(string: "RED is not GREEN", attributes: [NSForegroundColorAttributeName: UIColor.greenColor()])
####Write cells content: formatted number #####Objective-C
[[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"Z23" shouldCreate:YES] setFloatValue:12.3];
[[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"Z23"] setNumberFormat:@"0.000"];
worksheet.cellForCellReference("Z23", shouldCreate: true).floatValue = 12.3
worksheet.cellForCellReference("Z23").numberFormat = "0.000"
####Write cells content: boolean #####Objective-C
[[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"Z21" shouldCreate:YES] setBoolValue:NO];
worksheet.cellForCellReference("Z21", shouldCreate: true).boolValue = false
####Write cells content: date #####Objective-C
NSDateFormatter *df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
df.dateFormat = @"MM/dd/yyyy";
[[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"Y25" shouldCreate:YES] setDateValue:[df dateFromString:@"10/07/1982"]];
[[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"Y25"] setNumberFormat:@"m/d/yyyy"];
var df: NSDateFormatter = NSDateFormatter()
df.dateFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"
worksheet.cellForCellReference("Y25", shouldCreate: true).dateValue = df.dateFromString("10/07/1982")
worksheet.cellForCellReference("Y25").numberFormat = "m/d/yyyy"
####Get cell fill as a UIColor #####Objective-C
UIColor *cellFillColor = [[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"A35"] cellFillColor];
var cellFillColor: UIColor = worksheet.cellForCellReference("A35").cellFillColor()
####Change cell fill #####Objective-C
[[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"A36" shouldCreate:YES] setCellFillWithForegroundColor:[UIColor yellowColor] backgroundColor:[UIColor blackColor] andPatternType:kBRACellFillPatternTypeDarkTrellis];
worksheet.cellForCellReference("A36", shouldCreate: true).setCellFillWithForegroundColor(UIColor.yellowColor(), backgroundColor: UIColor.blackColor(), andPatternType: kBRACellFillPatternTypeDarkTrellis)
####Get images #####Objective-C
//Works with oneCellAnchor or twoCellAnchored image
UIImage *image = [worksheet imageForCellReference:@"G8"].uiImage;
//Works with oneCellAnchor or twoCellAnchored image
var image: UIImage = worksheet.imageForCellReference("G8").uiImage
####Add images (JPEG or PNG) #####Objective-C
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"Kitten.jpeg"];
//preserveTransparency force JPEG (NO) or PNG (YES)
BRAWorksheetDrawing *drawing = [worksheet addImage:image betweenCellsReferenced:@"G2" and:@"I10"withInsets:UIEdgeInsetsZero preserveTransparency:NO];
//Set drawing insets (percentage)
drawing.insets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0., 0., .5, .5);
var image: UIImage = UIImage(named: "Kitten.jpeg")
//preserveTransparency force JPEG (NO) or PNG (YES)
var drawing: BRAWorksheetDrawing = worksheet.addImage(image, betweenCellsReferenced: "G2", and: "I10", withInsets: UIEdgeInsetsZero, preserveTransparency: false)
//Set drawing insets (percentage)
drawing.insets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5)
####Add/remove rows in sheets #####Objective-C
//Insert one row before 18th row
[worksheet addRowsAt:18];
//Remove it
[worksheet removeRow:18];
//Insert 10 rows before 18th row
[worksheet addRowsAt:18 count:10];
//Remove them
[worksheet removeRow:18 count:10];
//Insert one row before 18th row
//Remove it
//Insert 10 rows before 18th row
worksheet.addRowsAt(18, count: 10)
//Remove them
worksheet.removeRow(18, count: 10)
####Add/remove columns in sheets
####Change number formatting #####Objective-C
[[worksheet cellForCellReference:@"Y25"] setNumberFormat:@"_(0.00_);(0.00)"];
worksheet.cellForCellReference("Y25").numberFormat = "_(0.00_);(0.00)"
####Read content from merge cells #####Objective-C
//Get the cell at C10 or the upper-left cell if C10 belongs to a merge cell
BRACell *cell = [worksheet cellOrFirstCellInMergeCellForCellReference:@"C10"]
//Get the cell at C10 or the upper-left cell if C10 belongs to a merge cell
var cell: BRACell = worksheet.cellOrFirstCellInMergeCellForCellReference("C10")
####Create worksheet #####Objective-C
BRAWorksheet *worksheet = [spreadsheet.workbook createWorksheetNamed:@"Foo"];
var worksheet: BRAWorksheet = spreadsheet.workbook.createWorksheetNamed("Foo")
####Copy worksheet #####Objective-C
BRAWorksheet *worksheetToCopy = spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets[0];
BRAWorksheet *worksheet = [spreadsheet.workbook createWorksheetNamed:@"Foo" byCopyingWorksheet:worksheetToCopy];
var worksheetToCopy: BRAWorksheet = spreadsheet.workbook.worksheets[0]
var worksheet: BRAWorksheet = spreadsheet.workbook.createWorksheetNamed("Foo", byCopyingWorksheet: worksheetToCopy)
####Remove worksheet #####Objective-C
[_spreadsheet.workbook removeWorksheetNamed:@"Foo"];
####Do some simple operation from Swift
let documentPath = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("testWorkbook", ofType: "xlsx")
let odp = BRAOfficeDocumentPackage.open(documentPath)
let worksheet: BRAWorksheet = odp!.workbook.worksheets[0] as! BRAWorksheet;
NSLog("%@", worksheet.cellForCellReference("A1").attributedStringValue())
let paths: Array = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSSearchPathDirectory.DocumentDirectory, NSSearchPathDomainMask.UserDomainMask, true) as Array
let fullPath: String = (paths[0] as! String).stringByAppendingString("testSaveAs.xlsx")
##A word about XLSX files
XLSX files are OPC packages (see ECMA-376 for more information). Below is a simplified hierarchical representation of the package contents.
Files have relationships, files are relationships... Have a look at this picture each time you want to change something in the library.
Copyright (c) 2014-2016 René BIGOT.
Copyright (c) 2015 Fabian Pahl (Cocoa pods integration).
Copyright (c) 2016 Sam Hatchett (Mac port).
The XlsxReaderWriter library should be accompanied by a LICENSE file. This file contains the license relevant to this distribution. If no license exists, please contact me @renebigot.