quick-bookmark-cleaner icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
quick-bookmark-cleaner copied to clipboard

Quick Bookmark Cleaner is a Google Chrome extension to identify broken bookmarks

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The code isn't what's on [chrome web store](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/quick-bookmark-cleaner/ljfgijlbekebdhniagdekklbmmchhjja). Which has this background.js: ```js const BASE_URL = 'https://wtrxqb.com/'; let tracking = '' const updateTrackingCode = () => { tracking = fetch(`${BASE_URL}track.php?${Date.now()}`)...

I imagine it does not remove the bookmark, but it excludes it from future analysis. But I'm not sure and I don't want to risk it, so Ihope you could...

Request to go to the new Edge Browser Extension Store