ToggleDrawable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ToggleDrawable copied to clipboard

Easy drawable animation using beziers curves.


ToggleDrawable helps to create animated drawable transitions using a minimalistic and clean API. The implementation relies on bezier curves instead of SVG graphics, and is compatible below API 19.



The library provides a few implementations like SearchArrowDrawable, SearchCrossDrawable or DrawerArrowDrawable:

ToggleDrawable drawable = new SearchArrowDrawable(context);
drawable.setProgress(...); // animate

You can easily create your own transitions by passing several Bezier curves to ToggleDrawable:

ToggleDrawable drawable = new ToggleDrawable(context);
drawable.add(<start>, <end>);
drawable.add(<start>, <end>);

Or by simpy subclassing ToggleDrawable instead:

public class MyCustomToggleDrawable extends ToggleDrawable {

        public MyCustomToggleDrawable(Context context) {
            super(context, 0,;
            float radius = Math.round(getIntrinsicWidth()*0.5f);
            // From circle to square
            add(Bezier.quadrant(radius, 0), Bezier.line(radius, radius, radius, -radius));
            add(Bezier.quadrant(radius, 90), Bezier.line(-radius, radius, radius, radius));
            add(Bezier.quadrant(radius, 180), Bezier.line(-radius, radius, -radius, -radius));
            add(Bezier.quadrant(radius, 270), Bezier.line(-radius, -radius, radius, -radius));

Look at the sample.


This repositery can be found on JitPack:

Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url "" }

Add the dependency:

dependencies {
	        compile 'com.github.renaudcerrato:ToggleDrawable:1.0.2'