styn icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
styn copied to clipboard

:gem: A small, zero-dependency, extensible, object to css generator

styn is a small, zero-dependency, extensible, js object to css generator

Table of Contents

  • Usage
    • CSS
    • Element
  • Plugins
  • React



import { css } from "styn";

const styles = css({
  ".foo": {
    backgroundColor: "red",
    "&:hover": {
      backgroundColor: "blue",
  ".bar": {
    color: "yellow",

Outputs to:


.foo {
  background-color: red;
.foo:hover {
  background-color: blue;
.bar {
  color: yellow;

css also accepts at-rules like @keyframes, @font-face, etc.

import { css } from "styn";

const styles = css({
  "@keyframes pulse": {
    from: {
      backgroundColor: "red",
    to: {
      backgroundColor: "blue",
  ".foo": {
    animationName: "pulse",


You can create a scoped element (omit className option to generated one)

import { element } from "styn";

const { className, styles } = element({
  backgroundColor: "red",
  "&:hover": {
    backgroundColor: "blue",

Outputs to:

className: 'styn4b5pb'


.styn4b5pb {
  background-color: red;
.styn4b5pb:hover {
  background-color: blue;


styn accepts plugins that interact with the styn tree.

Both css and element accept plugins.

Here are an example of a plugin that accept a new truncate property that converts to three new properties (white-space, overflow and text-overflow)

Note: "styn tree" is a very, very, very short version of an AST. It may not be the best option if you want to work with a full AST.

import { element, StynPlugin } from "styn";

const truncate: StynPlugin = (tree, walk) => {
  return walk(tree, (rule) => {
    if (rule.declarations) {
      for (const property in rule.declarations) {
        if (property === "truncate") {
          delete rule.declarations.truncate;
          rule.declarations.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
          rule.declarations.overflow = "hidden";
          rule.declarations.textOverflow = "ellipsis";

const { styles } = element(
    width: "350px",
    padding: "20px",
    truncate: true,
    plugins: [truncate],

styles output:

.styn4b5pb {
  width: 350px;
  padding: 20px;
  white-space: nowrap;
  overflow: hidden;
  text-overflow: ellipsis;

List of plugins

  • @styn/plugin-breakpoints
import { element } from "styn";
import { breakpoints } from "@styn/plugin-breakpoints";

const plugins = [
    md: "768px",
    lg: "1024px",

const { styles } = element(
    color: "red",
    md: {
      color: "blue",
    lg: {
      color: "yellow",
  { plugins }

/* css =>

.styn4b5pb {
  color: red;
@media (min-width: 768px) {
  .styn4b5pb {
    color: blue;
@media (min-width: 1024px) {
  .styn4b5pb {
    color: yellow;
  • @styn/plugin-tokenizer
import { element } from "styn";
import { tokenizer } from "@styn/plugin-tokenizer";

const plugins = [
    colors: {
      primary: "#123456",

const { styles } = element(
    color: "colors.primary",
  { plugins }

/* css =>

.styn4b5pb {
  color: #123456;
  • @styn/plugin-tokenizer (soon)




You can help improving this project sending PRs and helping with issues. Also you can ping me at Twitter