Renato Benkendorf
Renato Benkendorf
indeed, those types seem incompleted!
Thank you for the suggestion @OmgImAlexis, I appreciate that! But unfortunately, I still didn't have a concise idea for moving forward from
I'm facing the same, any idea or workaround to solve that @jhen0409?
I'm checking it out and around I could investigate so far it does sound to be a problem in react-native actually and how the developer menu has been rendering in...
much probably was the `metro-react-native-babel-preset` upgrade
hey @awesomejerry what else is missing to move forward with this and merge it?
hey, @niloufarzahiri92 sorry reply to you so late than usual, we always try to help everyone here as soon as possible, but sometimes it takes a while. Anyway, I'm not...
@nubpro, sorry for don't be a good fit for you, how could I help you with what you're facing with react-native-qrcode-scanner? can you provide us a feedback about what you...
That error sounds very awkward because and I've searched for such use of `Array.includes` and I didn't find anything related as well. Do you have sure that it's not related...
hey, @rutvikrockers, what do you mean with multiples QR codes to scan at once? can you provide us an example of how the QR codes should be represented to scanning?...