Remy Sharp

Results 126 comments of Remy Sharp

Don't be sorry for questions! Hmm, good question: "logo competition". I'd like not to think so. But then I'd like to think the logo with the best chops would be...

@rephlexs that's right. @cerebralideas if can work... ;-)

I said this on twitter, but I should add here too: logos with unicorns: awesome! :)

Very cool - love it. I really like both styles actually. I've been reading around some of the Node.js issues I'm hitting (in particular with making the thing scale properly)....

Just adding a thought but if you're directly watching "assets" and it's deleted then later recreated, I'm not sure why it would work. This is because the watcher is explicitly...

@brainthinks to be honest, I think raising it with the chokidar repo might be the sensible direction. I'm really not sure where it lands in terms of desire to support,...

If you allow flags to be passed to nodemon, the giving it the `--legacy` flag (terrible name, sorry) might work around the issue.

@VladimirAmiorkov the nodemon issue might have been fixed a matter of days ago through the release of [email protected]. It's landing in nodemon right now thanks to [this issue]( so it...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the `nodemon.json` is created by the author, right? If that's the case, why would the author be using an array instead of a string?...

Let me take a look at the code first to check how you're using and how the require mode works then I'll get back to you.