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Rpc not working on nonPlayer objects

Open Saarg opened this issue 6 years ago • 1 comments


I added gameobjects with networkedIdentity to my scene and had to add NetworkServer.SpawnObjects(); right after NetworkServer.Listen(0); and it seems to work. The objects are activated in the scene and have a netid and sceneid. The issue is that when i try to call a ClientRpc from those objects the rpc is never called on the client. note that the rpc are working fine on players.

I'm looking around in unet's code but I'm not sure what could be causing this issue, any idea?

Saarg avatar Apr 28 '18 20:04 Saarg

This is causing OnStartServer() to be called twice on NetworkBehaviour objects.

jespertheend avatar Nov 29 '18 14:11 jespertheend