This is also looks like it is fixed in the newest version of the sync with the native Stripe SDK cannot reproduce it anymore there.
fixed in version 2.0.2
I see the issue I will raise a ticket on Stripe SDK, As workaround when you set the ThemeMode to `system` everything behaves perfectly.
waiting for ticket: https://github.com/stripe/stripe-react-native/issues/709
@aryanbm we are waiting for stripe to fix it there is nothing on our side that we can do about it.
This is solved in version https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_stripe/changelog#310 where you can style the paymentsheet.
Web is a bit lacking behind at the moment but I added it as an enhancement and will let you know when we start working on it
Thanks @oboenikui for the research. According to the docs it makes sense to use the expensive version: ``` When this factory is used, the Android view and Flutter widgets are...
@ethancadoo can you confirm that the `poc-use-expensive-androidview` branch works for you?
yes that is very useful I will reopen it and add it to the docs project