Remko Popma
Remko Popma
I think that's great idea and that would be a very cool feature! Will you be able to provide a pull request?
@yschimke thanks for the tip!
@byteit101 Thank you! I need a bit more time to look in detail, but this seems like a good start!
That would be great! PRs are always welcome!
@yschimke I saw your message on #502. Thanks! I am still working on some parser issues, but ZSH completion is high on my list of priorities. Once I make some...
Reference material: * * *
Thank you for raising this! I will take a look.
I finally had some time to look at this. This seems to be caused by this change: if I comment out the `local IFS=$'\n'` in the completion script section...
This looks very interesting and I am certainly open to improving this. Anyone able to provide a pull request?
I haven’t given any thought to what the structure of the generated AsciiDoc would become. Simple concatenation? What about nested sub-subcommands? What about links, simply make all command names links...