remix copied to clipboard
Miniflare crashes blaming a character in the compiled files
What version of Remix are you using?
Steps to Reproduce
It can be reproduced with a basic install selecting cloudflare-pages as inital template. Then when the page reloads many times due to saved changes in vscode some times it get stucked on reload loops and the error appears in the console.
Expected Behavior
Not crashing due to this strange behaviour
Actual Behavior
dev server stops while throwing this error in the console. It happens when I make changes and save relatively fast.
ReferenceError: p is not defined
at C:\Users\alisb\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp-25668-uK9Vvp9CD490\zt9o5qrl408.js:15071:1
at SourceTextModule.evaluate (node:internal/vm/module:226:23)
at VMScriptRunner.runAsModule (C:\Users\alisb\Desktop\ummahtoys\node_modules\@miniflare\
at (C:\Users\alisb\Desktop\ummahtoys\node_modules\@miniflare\runner-v
at Miniflare.#reload (C:\Users\alisb\Desktop\ummahtoys\node_modules\@miniflare\core\src\
at Miniflare.getPlugins (C:\Users\alisb\Desktop\ummahtoys\node_modules\@miniflare\core\s
at createServer (C:\Users\alisb\Desktop\ummahtoys\node_modules\@miniflare\http-server\sr
X [ERROR] Miniflare process exited with code 1
When inspecting the culprit file, I see this:
These are my package.json
"scripts": {
"build": "run-s \"build:*\"",
"build:css": "npm run generate:css -- --minify",
"build:remix": "remix build",
"dev": "remix build && run-p \"dev:*\"",
"dev:css": "npm run generate:css -- --watch",
"dev:remix": "remix watch",
"dev:wrangler": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development wrangler pages dev ./public",
"generate:css": "npx tailwindcss -i ./styles/index.css -o ./app/tailwind.css",
"start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production npm run dev:wrangler"
To resume my work I have to exit the current process ctrl + c
then redo yarn dev
I can confirm the exact same behaviour. I have recently started with a new project in Remix, first one. And I went with Cloudflare pages adapter and haven't tried any other adapter yet.
@twosaturdayscode Please let me know if you find a consistent way to reproduce the bug. I find it difficult to dig into any source code or make any investigation myself since it happens very randomly for me so far.
Hello @johnolofsson I don't know if it really fixed it, but the error didn't happen since I've installed wrangler globally.
npm i -g wrangler
But I didn't report it here right away because it's weird, maybe the issue didn't present itself because I'm not working much on the project. Can you try and report it here?
Since I am already here, it's worthy noting that not many times happened that the leaked foreign characters were:
Suggesting that maybe the leaked word is app
. If you inspect the code that generates that file there is actually the word 'app' in the scope.
I've been working a week or so with wrangler globally installed. Still getting the issue from time to time. First I thought it was less frequent but now it pops up more often. It is difficult to tell if it is some pattern I do in my workflow that triggers it more often.
@twosaturdayscode is this still happening with latest Remix version?
Hi @machour honestly I didn't go further with that project, I think that you can close it for now