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How to do semantic segmentation like the example from the main page?
Hi, I know this is a very general question, but how would I go on doing something like this?
Hi, To do semantic segmentation, you can build some network that inputs patches, and outputs patches (for instance a U-Net like model is great).
Patches extraction
To extract the patches in your images, you can call the PatchesExtraction
application (change the environment variable OTB_TF_NSOURCES
to 2
: you will need one source for the input image, and another source for the ground truth labels).
You can then train your model either with TensorflowModelTrain
of OTBTF, or from your own python code. Convert your model into a SavedModel
Just keep in mind that your output tensor that estimates the labels, i.e. the one that you will use to generate your output image using TensorflowModelServe
, must have a size that is consistent with the output.efieldx
, and also according to the input (i.e. source1.rfieldx
To avoid blocking artefacts, or reduce them, you should keep only the central part of the output tensor: You want some model that is fully convolutional... but convolutions reduce the theoretical exact output volume of the tensor. In a U-Net like model, convolutions with padding are often used because they simplify the built, but they "pollute" the borders of features maps after each convolution.
Generate the map
Once you have your trained SavedModel
, just use TensorflowModelServe
to generate some output from your remote sensing images.
You just have to set properly the efield
and rfield
values to tell the application what input volume the model "sees" and what output volume the model "creates". Use model.fullyconv on
if your model is FCN.
There is a full course and step-by-step practice exercice on this topic, with OSM data and some Spot-7 image in this book. Part III, semantic segmentation (34 pages).
Thank you! I'll check out your book.
I'm trying to use PatchesExtraction, but I'm getting this error:
sudo docker run mdl4eo/otbtf2.0:cpu otbcli_PatchesExtraction \
-source1.il rectify09rorm_normalize_bandmathX.tif \
-source1.patchsizex 16 \ -source1.patchsizey 16 \
-source1.out rorm_normalize_patches.tif \
-vec t_sampleSelection.gpkg
-field "class"
-outlabels rorm_normalize_labels.tif uint8
(FATAL) PatchesExtraction: Cannot open image rectify09rorm_normalize_bandmathX.tif. The file does not exist.
however, when i run ls
it shows that the file is in the right directory
Any suggestions?
Hi, This is related to the use of docker. You must mount a volume to your container. Some users had the same issue: see here.
Thank you! I'll let you know if I run into more issues.
Hello, M. Cresson. When running
sudo docker run -u otbuser -v $(pwd):/home/otbuser mdl4eo/otbtf2.0:cpu otbcli_TensorflowModelServe \
-source1.il myraster.tif \
-source1.rfieldx 16 \
-source1.rfieldy 16 \
-source1.placeholder "x" \
-model.dir mydir \
-model.fullyconv on \
-output.names "prediction" \
-optim.tilesizex 999999 \
-optim.tilesizey 128 \
-out myraster_classified.tif uint8
I get the following error:
Error while reading resource variable conv2d/kernel from Container: localhost. This could mean that the variable was uninitialized. Not found: Container localhost does not exist.
(Could not find resource: localhost/conv2d/kernel)
[[{{node conv2d/Conv2D/ReadVariableOp}}]]
OTB Filter debug message:
Output image buffered region: ImageRegion (0x7ffd4d88bd30)
Dimension: 2
Index: [0, 0]
Size: [14280, 128]
Input #0:
Requested region: ImageRegion (0x7ffd4d88bd60)
Dimension: 2
Index: [0, 0]
Size: [14295, 143]
Tensor shape ("y": {1, 143, 14295, 4}
User placeholders:
I'd appreciate your help very much.
You must train your model prior to apply it (It seems like you try to generate an image using a model that isn't trained).
If you train your model using the otbtf applications, you must set a directory for the output SavedModel
and check that the variables have been updated (in the proper directory).
Yeah, I had messed up the directories in the training step. Thank you again.