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use plugin rehype-highlight v7.0.0 memory leak

Open zzzgydi opened this issue 1 year ago • 14 comments

Initial checklist

Affected packages and versions

rehype-highlight v7.0.0

Link to runnable example

Steps to reproduce

  • pnpm i
  • pnpm dev
  • Visit http://localhost:5173
  • Open Chrome's task manager and find the corresponding tab to observe the memory situation
  • Click start button
  • observe the memory situation
  • Click stop and clear button and observe

As a comparison

  • Change rehype-highlight v7.0.0 to rehype-highlight v6.0.0 in package.json
  • Repeat the steps above

Expected behavior

same as rehype-highlight v6.0.0

Actual behavior



No response

Package manager




Build and bundle tools


zzzgydi avatar Nov 07 '23 06:11 zzzgydi

can reproduce in

just type freely in the editor and a large increase of memory will be found

immccn123 avatar Nov 08 '23 03:11 immccn123

Thanks @zzzgydi and @immccn123! Memory should not be ballooning in that way. Would either of you be interested in tracing this further and potentially opening a PR?

ChristianMurphy avatar Jan 02 '24 19:01 ChristianMurphy

I’m pretty sure V8 and friends actually use up as much memory as they can before freeing it? Maybe you’re seeing memory being used?

wooorm avatar Jan 05 '24 11:01 wooorm

I guess that lowlight has registered languages internally, but did not unregisterLanguage. After creating multiple instances like this may cause memory leaks.

Below I have written three comparative examples. In my understanding, if there is no memory leak, the memory should be released after 100 iterations of the for loop.

import { createLowlight, common } from "lowlight"; // version: ^3.1.0
import HighlightJs from "highlight.js"; // version: ^11.9.0
import "./App.css";

function customCreateLowlight(grammars: typeof common) {
  const high = HighlightJs.newInstance();
  if (grammars) {
    Object.keys(grammars).forEach((name) =>
      high.registerLanguage(name, grammars[name])
  return high;

function App() {
  return (
    <div style={{ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", gap: 12 }}>
        onClick={() => {
          for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            const lowlight = createLowlight(common);

        onClick={() => {
          for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
            const lowlight = customCreateLowlight(common);

          onClick={() => {
            for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
              const lowlight = customCreateLowlight(common);
              Object.keys(common).forEach((name) =>
          customCreateLowlight & unregisterLanguage
export default App;

I obtained the following results. The results are divided into three rounds. First, I refresh the page, recorded, and then click on the button to run once, and recorded next.

image image

Through the above graph, it is a comparison of the results between snapshot 6 and snapshot 5. The largest occupation is string type, and these values are related to language settings within highlightjs.

zzzgydi avatar Jan 05 '24 14:01 zzzgydi

After creating multiple instances like this may cause memory leaks.

If there is indeed a memory leak instead of chrome using up the memory it can use up, then that seems like a highlightjs issue?

It’s JavaScript; you’re not supposed to need to manage your own memory by removing registered things. The language does garbage collection for you.

wooorm avatar Jan 09 '24 16:01 wooorm

I met the same problem, v7 did not work well when v6 was ok. Is there any solutions for this problem?

TonyL1u avatar Jan 10 '24 14:01 TonyL1u

The solution is you can contribute to open source and figure out a solution instead of spamming duplicate info.

wooorm avatar Jan 10 '24 14:01 wooorm

The solution is you can contribute to open source and figure out a solution instead of spamming duplicate info.

good advice

TonyL1u avatar Jan 10 '24 14:01 TonyL1u

Did anyone find a solution for that? I am using that code and yes there is a weird memory leak because it renders code blocks over and over:

   <Markdown rehypePlugins={[rehypeRaw, rehypeHighlight]} components={{
                code({node, className, children, ...props}) {
                    return <div className={className}>

alielmorsy avatar Feb 08 '24 06:02 alielmorsy

If possible, you should provide components with a stable identity to avoid rerenders.

function Code({ node, className, children, ...props }) {
  return (
    <div className={className}>

export function Post({ post }) {
  return (
      rehypePlugins={[rehypeRaw, rehypeHighlight]}
      components={{code: Code}}

Also, if possible, you should provide props with a stable identity to reduce rerenders even further.

function Code({node, className, children, ...props}) {
  return (
    <div className={className}>

const components = {
  code: Code

const rehypePlugins = [

export function Post({ post }) {
  return (

remcohaszing avatar Feb 08 '24 08:02 remcohaszing

This memory leak appears to happen by simply including rehype-remark, even without any actual highlighted content.

If possible, you should provide components with a stable identity to avoid rerenders.

This does not noticeably address the leak in my testing

As others suggest, my current workaround is to use v6.

aeharding avatar May 03 '24 17:05 aeharding

I'm not sure if anyone else has run into this, but one thing of note is if you downgrade to rehype-highlight 6.0.0 you get a TS error similar to this:

The code works fine with no memory leak, and you can add @ts-expect-error to get rid of it as per the above thread, but I'm curious if there's a better solution.

tgram-3D avatar May 06 '24 14:05 tgram-3D

This issue seems to be caused by the DOMContentLoaded event listener on the window not being removed in a timely manner. You can type anything on and use getEventListeners(window).DOMContentLoaded in a Chromium-based browser to compare the length before and after.

window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",...); appears only once in the minimized code.

Results before and after executing the following code:

getEventListeners(window).DOMContentLoaded.forEach(x => window.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", x.listener))


Snapshot 1: Before typing
Snapshot 2: After typing
Snapshot 3: After executing the code

immccn123 avatar Aug 01 '24 02:08 immccn123

Thanks for investigating this and looking for a proper fix, Imken!

wooorm avatar Aug 01 '24 07:08 wooorm