contact-form-7-datepicker copied to clipboard
hide virtual keyboard
Hello, I am trying to prevent the virtual keyboard from popping up on mobile devices when using the datepicker field in contactform7.
thanks you
Any luck? i'm trying the same thing. Cheers
I solved the problem for mobiles by adding the following javascript code to only execute if:
- you are on a specific page (in my case page ID 136 is my contact page;
- only if user is on a device (testing this using wp_is_mobile)
To get this to work:
1a) Ensure ID is added to the date field in CF7 (for example: [date* readonly id:myID456..... etc.
1b) If you are using date and time field together, then it looks something like this [datetime* id:myID456 date-format:dd/mm/yy time-format:HH:mm min-date:2 max-date:365 min-hour:9 max-hour:18 step-minute:15 first-day:1]
2a) Add following to your active theme functions file;
function wp223311_hook_javascript() {
if (is_page(136) ) { // << id of your page
if ( wp_is_mobile() ) { // << only target devices
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function() {
jQuery( "#myID456" ).datepicker({ }).attr('readonly','readonly').addClass("test");
} // end if wp_is_mobile
} // end if is_page
} // end function
add_action('wp_head', 'wp223311_hook_javascript');
2b) If you are using date and time field together, then it looks something like this: Same as above except use this instead: jQuery( "#myID456" ).datetimepicker
I also added a test class - so you can easily view source page of code and search for test so you can see the class is added to correct element in form
Good luck!