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As a volunteer I would like to know places to purchase watter bottles
- Size
- Price
- Contact
- Location
@danishka Do you have any idea about, how it should implement? then I can start this right away
@danishka dunno if it's overkill, but wouldn't a generalised structure of "suppliers" or "service providers" be better?
Org with location, contact Supplies with name, size, price
ABC Company (Colombo, 011 2 123123) -> Water (1 L bottles, Rs. 150 each), Tents (Large, Rs. X each)
and later we can filter them by item name. +1
@sanathks we need a login to enter, so whoever filling have enough time to login. there is another issue regarding google, facebook and twitter auth.
And another interface to filter and display them.
@sanathks please change the label to 'in progress', when you ready.
Sure I'll do
@danishka Resolve on #104, Please review and merge if it is possible