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[ICLR2024] Quick-Tune: Quickly Learning Which Pretrained Model to Finetune and How
Quick-Tune: Quickly Learning Which Pre Trained Model to Fine Tune and How [ICLR2024]
This repo contains the code for reproducing the main experiments in the QuickTune paper.
Prepare environment
Create environment and install requirements:
conda -n quick_tune python=3.9
conda activate quick_tune
pip install -r requirements_qt.txt
Install torch and gpytorch version:
conda install pytorch==1.12.1 torchvision==0.13.1 torchaudio==0.12.1 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
conda install gpytorch -c gpytorch
Finetune a pipeline (fixed Hyperparameters)
You can download a dataset and fine-tune a pipeline. In this example, we will use a dataset from meta-album. The metadataset curves were generated in this way.
mkdir data && cd data
mkdir mtlbm && cd mtlbm
wget https://rewind.tf.uni-freiburg.de/index.php/s/pGyowo3WBp7f33S/download/PLT_VIL_Micro.zip
unzip PLT_VIL_Micro.zip
You can fine-tune network by providing any hyperparameter as follows:
mkdir output
python finetune.py data --model dla46x_c \
--pct_to_freeze 0.8 \
--dataset "mtlb/PLT_VIL_Micro"\
--train-split train \
--val-split val \
--experiment test_experiment \
--output output \
--pretrained \
--num_classes 20\
--epochs 50
Run Quick-Tune on meta-dataset
Download QuickTune meta-dataset:
mkdir data && cd data
wget https://rewind.tf.uni-freiburg.de/index.php/s/oMxC5sfrkA53ESo/download/qt_metadataset.zip
unzip QT_metadataset.zip
Run examples on the meta-dataset:
mkdir output
#quicktune on micro
#quicktune on mini
#quicktune on extended
#generate the plot for an experiment
#the plots are saved automatically in a folder called "plots"
python plots_generation/plot_results_benchmark.py --experiment_id qt_micro
Run on a new dataset
For quick-tuning on a new dataset, you can use the following examples as a reference. They run QuickTune on Imagenette2-320 and Inaturalist.
#example on imagenette2-320
cd data
wget https://s3.amazonaws.com/fast-ai-imageclas/imagenette2-320.tgz
tar -xvzf imagenette2-320.tgz
cd .. #back to root folder
#before this, we executed quicktune on mini (above) to create the optimizer
#before this, we executed quicktune on extended (above) to create the optimizer
#generate the plots and save them in a folder called "plots"
python plots_generation/plots_results_user_interface.py
If you use any other dataset, make sure to provide the datasets in a format accepted by Timm library. You have to pass the datasets descriptors for the execution as presented in the example bash scripts.
You can cite our work as follows:
title={Quick-Tune: Quickly Learning Which Pretrained Model to Finetune and How},
author={Sebastian Pineda Arango and Fabio Ferreira and Arlind Kadra and Frank Hutter and Josif Grabocka},
booktitle={The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations},