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How to pass variables($input) to fields written within getSubscription?
My components have query fragments of the following form:
initialVariables : {
type : 'videos',
pageSize : 10,
community : 3
fragments: {
viewer: () => Relay.QL`
fragment on Viewer {
newItemsAvailable(type : $type, community : $community),
newsFeedItems(first : $pageSize, type : $type, community : $community) {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {
I want to subscribe to changes in the field newItemsAvailable
. To do so I would need the following getSubscription function:
getSubscription() {
return Relay.QL`
subscription {
newsFeedItemsAvailableSubscription(input: $input) {
viewer {
newItemsAvailable(type : $type, community : $community)
I can't omit (type : $type, community : $community)
from here since that would give an error. In the worst case I would have to send dummy hardcoded values.
I guess
subscriptions: [
({ viewer, type, community }) => new NewsFeedItemsAvailableSubscription({ viewer, type, community }),
getVariables() {
return {
type: this.props.type,
feed the values of type and community into $input through ...subscription.getVariables()
. However, how can I make them available in newItemsAvailable(type : $type, community : $community)
. I haven't looked into the source code of Relay so have no clue of how all this generally works.
If the above isn't possible(using data from $input next to subfields), I feel the above snippets are sufficient to get an understanding of what I am trying to do here. What solution do you suggest? ${input.type} gives an error(Error: You supplied a GraphQL document that uses template substitution for an argument value, but variable substitution has not been enabled.) too. Does Relay store fields fetched using separate variables separately? If so, I think it makes sense to subscribe multiple times on the same field using different variables.
Since subscriptions are based on mutations, seems relevant. Especially the comment by nodkz on the "new Mutation API".