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ORM Framework for Relativity Custom Development

Results 33 Gravity issues
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Added Model Generation Tool.

ImportAPI would be another nice target for BaseDTO mapping. On a simple level, the code could convert a set of DTOs into a DataTable ready to import via the ImportAPI....


- Are we sure we want to truncate strings instead of throwing an exception? - If so, we should probably have documentation. - Why have any cutoff for a max-length...


There are some changes to the DBContext in the APIs that may cause some problems with tests run against later 9.6 versions. The update should not require Gravity coding changes.


Moving each provider into its own Nuget package has a few advantages: - Easier to navigate - Enforces separation of concerns - cross-DAO stuff cannot reference any Relativity-specific DLLs -...


I think there are some things we can do to make the documentation around the project a bit better. This issue should raise discussion around that.

help wanted

Gravity currently has its own `InvokeWithRetryService`. It may be worth considering using [Polly]( policies instead for this purpose, as it is battle-tested and more flexible.

breaking change

We now have coding standards, but not everything can be configured in editorconfig. Some things still have to be configured in [rulesets]( We should create a rulesets file and add...


@brycekbargar proposed the following instead of the current names/values for `ObjectFieldsDepthLevel`: ```csharp ObjectFieldsBehavior.NoRecursion ObjectFieldsBehavior.ShallowRecursion ObjectFieldsBehavior.FullRecursion ``` I like it. After Fest, we can add these, and flag the `ObjectFieldsDepthLevel` as...

breaking change