background_locator copied to clipboard
Unresolved reference
Whenever I try to compile a new version of my app, I get this error :
e: D:...\myapp\Application.kt: (11, 21): Unresolved reference: googleapiavailability e: D:...\myapp\Application.kt: (18, 30): Unresolved reference: setPluginRegistrant e: D:...\myapp\Application.kt: (33, 13): Unresolved reference: GoogleApiAvailabilityPlugin
I did not change the Application.kt file. Everything worked well before and I can't figure out what happened. What I did :
- update Flutter
- update some dependencies I saw issue #202 but it did not help.
Note : I tried downgrading dependencies and removing the small changes I made in my app and only got this error :
e: D:...\myapp\Application.kt: (18, 30): Unresolved reference: setPluginRegistrant
Here is my Application.kt file :
`package com.ludesert.myapp
import import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry import io.flutter.plugin.common.PluginRegistry.PluginRegistrantCallback import io.flutter.view.FlutterMain import io.flutter.plugins.sharedpreferences.SharedPreferencesPlugin import import com.baseflow.geolocator.GeolocatorPlugin import com.baseflow.location_permissions.LocationPermissionsPlugin import com.baseflow.googleapiavailability.GoogleApiAvailabilityPlugin import com.tekartik.sqflite.SqflitePlugin
class Application : FlutterApplication(), PluginRegistrantCallback { override fun onCreate() { super.onCreate() IsolateHolderService.setPluginRegistrant(this) FlutterMain.startInitialization(this) }
override fun registerWith(registry: PluginRegistry?) {
if (!registry!!.hasPlugin("io.flutter.plugins.shared_preferences")) {
if (!registry!!.hasPlugin("com.baseflow.geolocator")) {
if (!registry!!.hasPlugin("com.baseflow.location_permissions")) {
if (!registry!!.hasPlugin("com.baseflow.google_api_availability")) {
if (!registry!!.hasPlugin("com.tekartik.sqflite")) {
} `
For the Flutter Android Embedding V2, plugins are registered with the background isolate via reflection so IsolateHolderService.setPluginRegistrant does not need to be called. I'm using SharedPreferences and FirebaseFirestore and it's working all fine.
So with Flutter V2, I don't have to register the plugins manually via Application.kt, thus I don't need it anymore ?
For the Flutter Android Embedding V2, plugins are registered with the background isolate via reflection so IsolateHolderService.setPluginRegistrant does not need to be called. I'm using SharedPreferences and FirebaseFirestore and it's working all fine.
How should the plugins be registered with flutter V2 ? The wiki does not seem to be up to date considering what you say and I'm not sure how to do. Thanks
no-one ?
@ludesert I removed this line IsolateHolderService.setPluginRegistrant
since the method setPluginRegistrant
is not existing anymore. So far, everything is working fine ( I am using it with pathprovider
I think this wiki is not updated
@mehdok can you please confirm if IsolateHolderService.setPluginRegistrant
should not be used?
Thank you!