hfs copied to clipboard
Failed to start HFS code=exited
Ubuntu 22.04
I tried both NVM
installs nvm (Node Version Manager)
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.40.0/install.sh | bash
download and install Node.js (you may need to restart the terminal)
nvm install 18
verifies the right Node.js version is in the environment
node -v # should print v18.20.4
verifies the right npm version is in the environment
npm -v # should print 10.7.0
curl -fsSL https://fnm.vercel.app/install | bash
activate fnm source (use /user/.bashrc)
source ~/.bashrc
download and install Node.js
fnm use --install-if-missing 18
verifies the right Node.js version is in the environment
node -v # should print v18.20.4
verifies the right npm version is in the environment
npm -v # should print 10.7.0
after that i run:
sudo apt install npm npm install -g node-gyp
put or created hfs.service
npx hfs@latest
create-admin PASSWORD
sudo systemctl daemon-reload && sudo systemctl enable hfs && sudo systemctl start hfs && sudo systemctl status hfs
but i recieve this error or it displays that it is running bot its not ....